Sign and Symptoms of Kwashiorkor

The characteristic symptom of Kwashiorkor is edema. The various symptoms of Kwashiorkor include:

  • Edema: The characteristic symptom of kwashiorkor, edema, is seen as fluid retention and swelling, particularly in the abdomen, face, and extremities. This edema is caused due to fluid leakage from blood vessels into surrounding tissues.
  • Skin Changes: Kwashiorkor may cause noticeable skin changes, including dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, and desquamation (skin peeling).
  • Growth Failure: Children with kwashiorkor typically experience growth failure. It is seen as stunted height and weight relative to their age. Protein deficiency disrupts normal growth processes, impairing skeletal and muscular development and leading to overall growth retardation.
  • Fatigue and Weakness: Due to lack of protein and calories fatigue and muscle wasting is seen in affected children. Protein deficiency compromises muscle function and repair, resulting in decreased physical strength and endurance.

Other symptoms of Kwashiorkor include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability and fatigue
  • Loss of muscle in extremities
  • Diarrhea
  • Stunted growth and development
  • Thinning hair and skin discoloration
  • Enlarged liver and/or spleen

Kwashiorkor – An Overview

Kwashiorkor is caused by a protein deficiency in an individual’s diet. It is a form of acute malnutrition and is seen in growing children subjected to starvation and malnutrition. It is also called edematous malnutrition due to the formation of edema (fluid) retained in the body, especially the neck, joints, and stomach.

Kwashiorkor symptoms are swelling of the neck, legs, and abdomen due to fluid retention, etc. Treatment includes a protein-rich diet and other nutrients. In this article, we will study Kwashiorkor, symptoms, and treatment of Kwashiorkor along with the diagnosis.

Table of Content

  • What is Kwashiorkor?
  • Who does Kwashiorkor affect?
  • Kwashiorkor Causes
  • Complications in Kwashiorkor Disease
  • Sign and Symptoms of Kwashiorkor
  • Diagnosis of Kwashiorkor
  • Treatment of Kwashiorkor
  • Prevention of Kwashiorkor
  • Management of Kwashiorkor

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Conclusion: Kwashiorkor

Kwashiorkor is caused by a protein deficiency in diet and is treated with an intake of protein-rich food. The Kwashiorkor symptoms are edema (swelling), skin lesions, hair discoloration, fatigue, and a distended abdomen. All individuals and health organizations must know the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Kwashiorkor to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Developing children should be given proper balanced diets to avoid nutritional disorders like Kwashiokor for healthy body functioning and growth....

FAQs on Kwashiorkor

What is the Prevention of Kwashiorkor?...