Similarities between Jainism and Buddhism

There are many similarities between Jainism and Buddhism. Some of them are listed below :

  • Both religion rejected the principle and teaching of Vedas.
  • Both religion does not believe in existence of god.
  • Both religion believe in theory of karma.
  • The main principle of both religion stress on non-violence, no hate to other living beings.
  • Both religion were contemporary.
  • Both religion believed in concept of reincarnation, which means that only body dies, soul never dies.

Difference Between Buddhism and Jainism

Buddhism and Jainism are the two most popular religions in the world. These religions are a result of other religion’s dominancy, their bad teaching, and sins. These become more popular and have followers from all around the world. Buddhism and Jainism were contemporary. While Buddhism spread all around the world at a high rate, Jainism was accepted by few because of its very strict rules and laws and hard language (language of teaching). Both Buddhism and Jainism rejected the rituals, Vedas, and priestly class. In this article, we are going to see the key differences between the teachings of Gautama Buddha who is the founder of Buddhism, and the teachings of Mahavira who is the founder of Jainism.

Difference Between Buddhism and Jainism

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Difference Between Buddhism and Jainism

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Similarities between Jainism and Buddhism

There are many similarities between Jainism and Buddhism. Some of them are listed below :...


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FAQs on Buddhism vs Jainism

Which Buddhism sect is known as old/ancient Buddhism ?...