Smart narrative for a page

A smart narrative that’s based on all of the visuals on the page.

Example 2

The same can be applied for a group of charts which creates a report dashboard showing various insights. Consider the following where different charts are shown like area chart, column chart, pie and ribbon charts. The implementation can be referred from the previous articles of Power BI. The insights for Sum of “Sale_amt” is shown taking different parameters like units, unit_price, month, year, item in various ways.

The red-colored box represents the smart narrative showing text insights for reports. The following example shows Smart narrative for a page. This narrative is based on all the visuals of the page. Sum of Sale_amt and total Sum of units are positively correlated with each other. Between 2018 and 1019. home theatre had the largest increase in sum of sale_amt and televison had the largest decrease as we can notice it in the ribbon chart visual. It even calculates the growth (sum of Sale_amt) of Televsion for 65.70%.

The red-colored box is smart narrative of the left hand side report

Video output: Keep hovering over different charts and change the datapoints for seeing the results in detail. The smart narrative changes dynamically once the user access some datapoints. It shows no summaries for empty information or charts for which there is not output produced.

Edit box: For any editing inside the smart narative, if the user clicks on some text, the following edit box pops up for any changes or setting own values and store it for future use.

Dynamic value: For changing some value dynamically, click the following button in the above “Edit box”.

The smart narrative tool has AI feature to handle Q&A (questions and answers ) feature to provide some result as value based on the charts and dataset. This value can be stored and used later or the user can create some dynamic values also. Keep playing around to see different results and its usages.

Set value dynamically:

Hidden summary: In the “Features” section of this article, we have mentioned “hidden summary”, the following red icon shows the hidden summary in any text summary output.

After doing some editing to the smart narrative, the user can see many different results with convenient fonts and boldness.

The smart narrative tool can also be created by right click on any chart or visual and using the following “Summarize” button. This is another way of using the feature.

Another Smart narrative:

Video output:

Power BI – Smart Narratives

In this article, we will learn to implement Smart Narratives using Power BI. This discusses some important concepts used to create the very common smart narratives so as to make large business intelligence decisions made out of analyzing data trends in the form of text which is easy to understand and narrate. We will be discussing the following topics and their implementation in the Power BI desktop.

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