SOA Testing Strategy

SOA testing strategies are divided into two categories:

1. Test Planning Approach:

  • The testers must be able to completely understand the architecture of the application in order to test it. As this understanding will finally determine the working strategy while planning a test.
  • To simplify the test planning approach we must break down the application into several services. And test them independently in terms of their functionality, working parameters, usage, etc.
  • As per the SRS document, the application’s architecture should be classified into generic as well as application-specific categories. For example, Login/Register should be a generic category, and the functions to calculate the amount should be in a specific category.
  • A complete application should be divided into various components, like data (local storage/database), services (Login/Register), and the front end. 
  • It is essential to study each element and predict all possible use cases for them so that one can have all exceptions covered.
  • All test cases should be linked to the company’s scenarios using a complete checklist.

2. Test Execution Approach:

  • Each and every aspect of all the services should be tested independently, irrespective of its precedence, order of occurrence, size, complexity, etc.
  • Data flow validation and verification is an essential function of integration testing. After individual testing (Unit Testing), integrated testing determines whether the services collaborate well.  
  • To ensure that data flows smoothly between the front-end application and the database, it is best to conduct system testing. Where an independent team, tests the whole application with just SRS documentation as a reference and yields unbiased results.
  • Performance testing is an effective way to ensure the maximum possible efficiency and improve the overall quality of a system. As it determines what are parameters required to be worked upon for increasing the efficiency, speed, and accuracy of the program.

Software Testing – SOA Testing

SOA Testing is the process of evaluating a certain software where one can check web processes for functionality and make sure different components can communicate effectively throughout. Before diving deep into the testing model directly we need to understand SOA Architecture.

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Challenges faced in SOA Testing

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Benefits of SOA testing

Platform Independent: SOA combines numerous services from diverse sources, such as different platforms and codes, to create a sophisticated unified system out of separate services. Highly Scalable: Every organization is unique in terms of the services or goods it provides, as are their ever-changing demands. SOA enables services to run on various servers inside the same environment, enhancing flexibility. If the volume of data grows, it is simple to manage by launching more instances of a service to meet the demands of your organization. Easy on Maintenance: SOA is self-contained, and testing, updating, upgrading, and maintaining applications is simple. As an important feature, the user will encounter no problems or complications while reacting to company demands and technological improvements. Functionality Reusability: In SOA services are reused, which reduces costs and saves time. It lowers the costs of deployment, development, maintenance, and integration. Many websites, for example, utilize Google Maps to identify addresses. Instead of developing a new location service, they just utilize the current one. Highly Reliable: Service-Oriented Architecture creates more reliable apps since shorter codes are easier to debug than huge programs and may be fixed in a specific component without impacting other features....

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