
Through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, the word “Socialist” is added to the Preamble. Basically, Socialism indicates the pursuit of socialist goals through democratic methods. India has adopted “Democratic Socialism.” which advocates a mixed economy, where the private and governmental sectors coexist. It seeks to eradicate poverty, ignorance, sickness, and inequality in opportunity.

What is significance of the phrase “We the people of India” in the Preamble?

A preamble refers to the index page of the constitution. The Preamble is an important essence of India’s constitution. It is crucial because it contains the main ideals and principles of the Constitution.  The preamble stands as the introduction of the Constitution. It ensures justice, liberty, and equality for all Indian citizens and encourages people-to-people solidarity.

According to the Preamble:

“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens.”

Table of Content

  • Significance of ” WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA” in Constitution
  • Justice
  • Liberty
  • Equality
  • Fraternity
  • Sovereign
  • Socialist
  • Secular
  • Democratic
  • Republic

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Significance of ” WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA” in Constitution

The phrase “We the people of India” in the Indian Constitution’s preamble denotes that the people of India are the ultimate leaders. People’s power is exercised at the ballot box. The constitution is handed over by the people of India themselves, and not from a king or any outside power. “We the people of India” denotes that the people of India are the main rulers of the country and the main power. The selected representatives through the elections will govern the nation on behalf of the citizens of India and will be responsible for them. It also talks about the four main principles, Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.  which are considered the main objectives of the preamble and the constitution of India....


The term Justice in the Preamble stands for:: Social, economic, and political security. Which is secured through various provisions of the Directive and Fundamental Principles in the constitution of India....


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Through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, the word “Socialist” is added to the Preamble. Basically, Socialism indicates the pursuit of socialist goals through democratic methods. India has adopted “Democratic Socialism.” which advocates a mixed economy, where the private and governmental sectors coexist. It seeks to eradicate poverty, ignorance, sickness, and inequality in opportunity....


The word “secular” was added to the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1976. The term secular refers to the fact that the state accords equal respect, protection, and support to all religions in India under the Constitution. Part III of the Constitution, Articles 25 to 28, establish Religious Freedom as a Fundamental Right....


The term democratic refers to the form of government where the main source of power is in the hands of the people. The members of the government are selected through the election, who act as the representatives of the nation. The term democracy is used in the Preamble to refer to political, economic, and social democracy. The characteristics of Indian democracy include accountable representative governance, universal adult franchise, one vote one value, an independent judiciary, and so on....


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of the preambles?...