Solved Example on Carson’s Rule for Bandwidth Calculation

A broadcasting station has a highest modulating frequency fm = 10kHz and a maximum frequency deviation fd =4 kHz. Calculate the bandwidth required using Carson’s Rule.

Using Carson’s Rule formula:

B = 2(fm + fd)

B = 2(10+4)

B = 2×14

B = 28kHz

Therefore, the required bandwidth for the broadcasting station is 28kHz.

Carson’s Rule for Bandwidth Calculation

Carson’s Bandwidth Rule is an important concept in Electronics and Communication Engineering. This rule is used for the calculation of FM modulation bandwidth or occupancy for the FM signal. Let’s say you are designing an FM system on satellite, you will need to make sure that your signal is not cross-talking into other signals on the system.

FM creates modulation sidebands that in theory extend to infinite bandwidth. These sidebands consist of Bessel Functions of any order. However, practically the band occupancy of an FM-modulated carrier solely needs to count the Bessel Function sidebands of necessary amplitude. Carson’s Rule is used to calculate this bandwidth.

This article will incorporate definitions and basic principles of Carson’s Rule followed by the important applications, merits, demerits, and at last a solved example to enhance our understanding of the rule.

Table of Content

  • Carson’s Rule
  • Working Principle
  • Carson’s Rule Table
  • Derivation
  • Special Cases
  • Applications
  • Solved Example
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

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Carson’s Rule Table


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Applications of Carson’s Rule

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