Solved Examples on Mason Gain Formula

Example 1: Find the transfer function of the following signal flow graph

Signal Flow Graph


No. of forward path(N) = 1

Gain of Forward Paths (P1) = 1*G1G2G3G4G5

No. of individual loops:

  • L1 = -G1H1
  • L2 = -G3H3
  • L3 = -G4H4
  • L4 = -G5H5
  • L5 = -G1G2G3H2

Non-Touching Loops (Combination of two):

  • L1L2 = G1G3H1H3
  • L1L3 = G1G4H1H4
  • L1L4 = G1G5H1H5
  • L24 = G3G5H3H5
  • L4L5 = G1G2G3G5H2H5

Non-Touching Loops (Combination of three):

  • L1L2L4 = -G1G3G5H1H3H5


1 = 1 (since all loops are touching p1)

∆ = 1 – (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5) + (L1L2+L1L3+L1L4+L2L4+L4L5) – (L1L2L4)

Transfer Function:

[Tex] \frac{C}{R}=\frac{P_{1}∆_{1}}{∆} [/Tex]

[Tex]\frac{C}{R} = \frac{G1G2G3G4G5}{(1+G1H1+G3H3+G4H4+G5H5+G1G2G3H2)+(G1G3H1H3+G1G4H1H4+G1G5H1H5+G3G5H3H5+G1G2G3G5H2H5)+(G1G3G5H1H3H5)} [/Tex]

Example 2: Find the transfer function of the following signal flow graph

Signal Flow Graph


There are two forward paths and one loop. So, we have

  • P1=a
  • P2=b
  • L1=c
  • 1 = ∆2 = 1 (since all loops are touching P1 & P2)
  • ∆= 1 – c

Transfer Function:

[Tex]\frac{C(s)}{R(s)}= \frac{a + b}{1 -c} [/Tex]

Example 3: Find the transfer function of the following signal flow graph

Signal Flow Graph

No. of forward path(N) = 3

The gain of Forward Paths:

  1. P1=G1G2G3
  2. P2=G4G3
  3. P3=G5

No. of individual loops:

  • L1=G1H1
  • L2=G6

Non-Touching Loops (Combination of two)

  • L1L2=G1G6H1

1 = ∆2 = ∆3 = 1 (since all loops are touching P1,P2 &P3)

∆=1 – (G1H1+G6) + G1G6H1

Transfer Function:

[Tex]\frac{C(s)}{R(s)}= \frac{G1G2G3 +G3G4 + G5}{1-G1H1-G6 + G1G6H1} [/Tex]

Mason’s Gain Formula in Control System

Mason’s Gain Formula, also known as Mason’s Rule or the Signal Flow Graph Method, is a technique used in control systems and electrical engineering. It provides a systematic way to analyze the transfer function of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system, especially those with multiple feedback loops and complex interconnections. Let’s delve deeper into Mason’s Gain Formula with a more detailed explanation. In this article, we will learn Mason’s Gain Formula and problem-solving with the help of a signal flow graph by Mason’s Gain Formula.

Table of Content

  • What is Mason’s Gain Formula?
  • Mason’s Gain Formula
  • Important Terminologies of Mason Gain Formula
  • Solved Examples on Mason Gain Formula
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Mason’s Gain Formula
  • Application of Mason’s Gain Formula:

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Mason’s Gain Formula is a powerful and systematic method for analyzing the overall gain of complex control systems, especially those with multiple loops and paths. Its advantages include simplicity, comprehensiveness, versatility, and the ability to visualize system components. However, it has limitations when applied to large systems, nonlinear or time-variant systems, and situations where in-depth insights into system behavior are necessary. Engineers should consider these factors and choose appropriate techniques based on the specific characteristics of the system they are analyzing....

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