Solved Examples on Subtraction Formulas

Example 1: If Ram’s mother gave him 99 rupees to buy stationary, out of which he used 60 rupees. Then calculate the amount he left with.


Total amount of money he has 99 rupees,

He spends 60 rupees.

Now, he left with (99-60) rupees = 39 rupees.

Example 2: Find the difference between 454 and 666.


The difference between 454 and 666 is given by,

454 – 666 

= – (666 – 454) 

= -212

Example 3: If there are 67 apples and a dozen of Apples are distributed among some children. How many apples are there? 


As we know 1 dozen = 12 units

So 12 apples have been distributed

Therefore the number of apples is 67 – 12 

= 55

Example 4: How much we should subtract from 1000 to get 90? 


Let x be the subtrahend, then

1000 – x = 90

Therefore x = 1000-90 

= 910

Example 5: Find the value of 4/2 – 3 -6.


According to BODMAS rule, 4/2 = 2


4/2 – 3 -6 = 2 – 3 – 6 

= -7

Example 6: Find cos 15°.


We known that,

cos(a-b) = cosa.cosb + sina.sinb…(i)

Choose a = 45° and b = 30°

cos⁡15° = cos ⁡(45° – 30°)

Using formula from eq(i)

cos⁡15° = cos⁡45°cos⁡30° + sin⁡45°sin⁡30°


  • cos⁡45° = 1/√2, and cos⁡30° = √3/2
  • sin45° = √2, and sin⁡30° = 1/2

Putting these into the formula:

cos⁡15° = (1/√2)(√3/2) + (1/√2)(1/2)

cos15° = (√6 + √4)/4

Example 7: Find sin 15°.


We known that,

sin(a-b) = sina.cosb – cosa.sinb…(i)

Choose a = 45° and b = 30°

sin15° = sin ⁡(45° – 30°)

Using formula from eq(i)

sin15° = sin45°cos⁡30° – cos⁡45°sin⁡30°


  • cos⁡45° = 1/√2, and cos⁡30° = √3/2
  • sin45° = √2, and sin⁡30° = 1/2

Putting these into the formula:

sin ⁡15° = (1/√2)(√3/2) – (1/√2)(1/2)

sin 15° = (√6- √4)/4

Subtraction Formulas

Subtraction is a fundamental arithmetic operation. Subtraction is a mathematical operation that involves subtracting a part of one number from another. The process of subtracting one number from another is known as subtraction.

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