Some Methods of the JEditorPane



setText(String text)

Sets the text content of the editor pane.

setPage(String url)

Sets the page content from the specified URL. The content type is determined based on the URL’s file extension.

setContentType(String type)

Sets the content type of the editor pane (e.g., “text/plain,” “text/html,” “text/rtf”).

setEditorKit(EditorKit kit)

Sets the editor kit used to interpret and display the content.


Returns the document model associated with the editor pane.


Returns the content type of the editor pane.

getEditorKitForContentType(String type)

Returns the default editor kit for the specified content type.


Returns the caret (cursor) used for text editing.

setEditable(boolean editable)

Sets whether the editor pane is editable or not.


Returns the currently selected text.

Java JEditorPane

A JEditorPane is a component in Java Swing that provides a simple way to display and edit HTML and RTF (Rich Text Format) content. It is a versatile component that allows you to display styled text, links, and images, making it useful for creating simple web browsers, rich-text editors, and content viewers within your Java applications. JEditorPane is a part of javax.swing package.

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Some Methods of the JEditorPane

Methods Description setText(String text) Sets the text content of the editor pane. setPage(String url) Sets the page content from the specified URL. The content type is determined based on the URL’s file extension. setContentType(String type) Sets the content type of the editor pane (e.g., “text/plain,” “text/html,” “text/rtf”). setEditorKit(EditorKit kit) Sets the editor kit used to interpret and display the content. getDocument() Returns the document model associated with the editor pane. getContentType() Returns the content type of the editor pane. getEditorKitForContentType(String type) Returns the default editor kit for the specified content type. getCaret() Returns the caret (cursor) used for text editing. setEditable(boolean editable) Sets whether the editor pane is editable or not. getSelectedText() Returns the currently selected text....

Following are the programs to implement JEditorPane

Example 1:...