Some Methods of the JScrollBar

Methods of the JScrollBar are mentioned below:

  1. setValue(int value) : Sets the current value of the scrollbar to a specified value.
  2. getValue() : Retrieves the current value of the scrollbar, which indicates the current position of the thumb.
  3. setMinimum(int minimum) : Sets the minimum value of the scrollbar, defining the lower boundary of the range.
  4. getMinimum() : Returns the minimum value, allowing you to retrieve the lower boundary of the range.
  5. setMaximum(int maximum) : Sets the maximum value of the scrollbar, defining the upper boundary of the range.
  6. getMaximum() : Retrieves the maximum value, indicating the upper boundary of the range.

Java JScrollBar

Java’s Swing library provides various GUI components for creating graphical user interfaces. Among these components, is the JScrollBar class, which allows users to scroll through the content of a component, such as a JScrollPane. In Java JScrollBar is a part of javax.swing package.

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