Some of the government initiatives for food security

 National Food Security Mission:

  • It is a 2007-launched Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
  • Its goal is to increase rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals, and commercial crop production by expanding the area and improving productivity.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY):

  • It was established in 2007 and allows states to choose their own agriculture and allied sector development activities in accordance with their district/state agriculture plans.
  • Its goal is to make farming a profitable economic activity by enhancing farmer effort, reducing risk, and encouraging agri-business entrepreneurship. Pre- and post-harvest infrastructure, as well as agricultural entrepreneurship and innovation, are all priorities.

Over the last two decades, the government has taken major measures to fight under-nutrition and malnutrition by introducing various programs:

  • Mid-day meals at schools: It is a centrally sponsored scheme that includes all school pupils in Government and Government-Aided Schools in Classes I-VIII.
  • To supply meals to pregnant and nursing women, Anganwadi programs have been established.
  • Subsidized grain is distributed through a public distribution system to individuals living in poverty.

Impact of Natural Disasters on Food Supply

The regular availability, accessibility, and affordability of food for all people is known as food security. At the point when food security is imperiled, it is reliant upon the government and its Public Distribution System (PDS) for checking and intercession. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has raised awareness of the world’s numerous paradoxes, such as the fact that hunger has risen in tandem with other kinds of malnutrition, in recent years. Its fundamental design is to ensure individuals have customary admittance to enough great food to lead dynamic, solid lives. The World Food Program (WFP) seeks to provide food aid to over 80 million people in 80 countries and is always ready to respond to disasters. Besides this, its aim is also to avoid future hunger.

A country’s food security is guaranteed when each of its occupants approaches sufficient good food, everybody has the monetary way to buy food of satisfactory quality, and there are no hindrances to food accessibility. Individuals who live beneath the destitution line might be food-shaky constantly, though other people who are in an ideal situation might become food uncertain because of a misfortune or catastrophe. As far as the Global Food Security Index 2020 (GFSI 2020), India is positioned 71st out of 113 enormous nations. Nations that have accomplished more noteworthy public and family food security, for the most part, have a history of solid political accentuation on agribusiness, cautious thought of financial impetuses for agrarian creation, and human and monetary interests in exploration, augmentation, and preparing.

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Hunger and other types of malnutrition continue to impact millions of people across the world. Natural disasters pose a short–term threat to food security, as well as a long–term threat to economic growth. The overall output of food grains drops as a result of a natural catastrophe. It causes a food shortage in the influenced regions. Food security is a critical public health concern during a disaster because total food grain production is severely impacted. We need a well-functioning food system for everyone to obtain adequate proper food stock during such natural calamities as these are unavoidable, and no one can stop them, but the government can prepare the country for the consequences....