Some of the Important Features of the Indian Desert

Indian Desert and its Features

Generally, a barren area of landscape having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters of irregular rainfall annually, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life is called a desert. Indian desert, which is also called the Thar Desert, situated between the Aravalli Mountains and the plains formed by the Indus and Sutlej rivers, is generally referred to as the Indian Desert. The Thor desert spread over the district of Jaisalmer, Bikaner, and Jodhpur of Rajasthan and the Khayerpur and Bahawalpur region of Pakistan. 

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Area or Location of Indian Desert:

About one-third of the entire state of Rajasthan belongs to the desert region. The states of Punjab and Haryana are located to the north of the desert regions. This desert also is surrounded by the state of Gujarat on the southern side, the Aravalli Range on the eastern side, and the desert region of Pakistan on the western side....

The Cause Behind the Desertification:

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Some of the Important Features of the Indian Desert:

1. Geographical features:...

1. Geographical features:

The desert is mainly composed of sand and rocks.  The elevation of the Thar desert is high on the eastern side and low on the western side. The climate is very dry.  The elevation of the Thar desert near the Aravalli range is 325 meters whereas, its elevation near the western part of Pakistan is 150 meters.  In the lower part of the desert region and some areas of Jaisalmer, we find some salt lakes. In the local language, it is called Raan. Sambhar lake is the largest lake in this region. It is also used to produce Sodium Sulphate salts. Springs can be seen somewhere in the desert region. The land near the springs is somewhat fertile. Palm trees, Dates, and grasslands can be seen in this region....

2. Climatic features:

The climate of this region is arid and subtropical. The average temperature varies in different seasons and It is the 9th largest hot subtropical desert in World. Its range comes from near freezing to 50º C in the summer months. The weather condition of this region is very dry and the average annual rainfall ranges from 10 cm to 50 cm which generally occurs during the month of July to September due to the southwest monsoon....

3. Biodiversity features:

The climatic conditions of this region are very Harsh to survive for the vegetation, human culture, and animal life in this region are very diverse compared to other landscapes. About 22 species of lizards and 24 species of snakes are native to this region....

4. Agricultural features:

It is one of the most highly populated (83 people per sq km) hot desert areas in the world. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the main two occupations of the people of this region. Due to irregular rain and drought-prone regions, agriculture is not a dependable proposition of such an area. Besides this land degradation is one of the serious problems of this desert area which happens due to high animal populations, wind and water erosion, illegal mining, etc....