Some of the Major Importance of Tides

Tides play an important role in various aspects of human life as well as in the entire ecosystem of plants and animals. Some of the important and positive outcomes of tides are mentioned as follows:

1. Preserving Marine Ecosystem

Every natural phenomenon has some impact on the ecosystem consisting of living creatures. Tides also influence the lives of various marine plants and animals that grow and sustain their existence by utilizing the effect of both high and low tides. Due to experiencing high and low tides, some plants and animals are adapted to live both inside and outside water in such regions. Ocean creatures make use of tides for their reproductive activities by changing places within the water. Some small pools are created by the effect of tides along the seashore which store water during high tides. These small pools allow different varieties of tiny marine creatures to survive, these can be consumed by other larger creatures. In this way, a balance in the ecosystem is maintained.

2. Fishing and Harvesting

Commercial fishermen learn how to make use of high tides to catch fish and take advantage of the higher gathering of fish that comes near the shore. In this way, they can use their effort and time efficiently and improve earnings for commercial benefits. The sea creatures found in small tide pools generated by tides may be used for harvesting seafood. Creatures like crabs, snails, and seaweeds are found in abundance due to regular replenishment by tidal waves.

3. Navigation of Ships

Tides are very important in controlling the depth and flow of water to help ships navigate easily near the shores. Using the advantage of water level and current of water during high tides, the ships can reach the harbor conveniently. This is especially important to avoid any potential risks from shallow areas near the entrance of the harbor. Tides also help in making the channel of some rivers wider allowing easy passage for vessels moving towards the ocean. An example is Kolkata port in West Bengal which uses the tidal waves of the Hooghly river. A thorough study by navigators on the effect of tides on navigation can help to improve the efficiency of marine transport. 

4. Pollution Control

Tides can play an important role in the mitigation of pollution in water. Tidal waves help in preventing the accumulation of silts and sediments in the waterbed. It also contributes to the removal of polluted water from river estuaries. Tidal waves carry nutrients to the water that help in the survival and growth of marine plants and animals. 

 5. Power Generation

The most important use of tides in modern human civilization is for generating power or electricity. Tides are found to have a great potential for energy creation that can be utilized for producing energy as per requirement. There has been a constant focus on developing renewable energy resources to avoid over-consumption of non-renewable resources. The use of tidal energy as a replacement for conventional energy resources is great progress in this regard. The movement of waves happens periodically during high tide and low tide and generates huge forces due to the flow of water. These powerful water movements are leveraged for generating electricity that can be catered to meet energy needs in different parts of the world. Tidal energy generation involves building dams and barrages that use the force of water to generate electricity using power generation equipment. The water is stored in the dam during high tide and then the water is released to flow out with high pressure that is used for turning the turbine and generating electricity. This process of power generation is called hydroelectricity. Tehri Dam is the tallest dam in India that provides water for the Tehri hydroelectric power plant. Some other important hydroelectric projects in India are Koyna, Srisailam, and Sardar Sarovar dams.

6. Weather Circulation:

The weather is affected by tidal currents as they mix up with the ocean waters. These currents combine with seawater, which cannot absorb much sunlight, with warmer water, which makes more habitable climate conditions, as well as balances global temperatures.

The various characteristics of tides are utilized to get better yield and efficiency in power generation. The tidal waves can be controlled to create a higher force as compared to wind energy. Tides can produce energy more efficiently which makes them more effective than other sources. Tides are one of the most important geographical phenomena that are happening frequently in water bodies on earth. Scientific studies have revealed facts about the nature and intensity of tides that can be used most effectively for the benefit of modern civilization.

Importance of Tides

Tides are observed in large water bodies like seas and oceans as a natural phenomenon in which a rise and fall in water level takes place on a regular basis. The scientific reason behind this phenomenon is the effect of the gravitational force exerted on earth by the moon, and to some extent by the sun. The gravitational pull causes the rise and fall of the water surface in oceans that happens at a periodic interval according to the rotation of the earth. Tides can be of two types, namely high tide and low tide. During high tide, the level of water goes up generating long waves that move across the shores. At low tide, the water level falls down and recedes away from the shore. High tide and low tide occur twice a day. The occurrence of tides is generally observed in large water bodies like seas and oceans due to their vastness and spread and to a small extent in small water bodies like rivers and lakes.


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Some of the Major Importance of Tides:

Tides play an important role in various aspects of human life as well as in the entire ecosystem of plants and animals. Some of the important and positive outcomes of tides are mentioned as follows:...