Spanning Tree (ST)

A spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph that includes all the vertices of the original graph and is also a tree (a connected acyclic graph).

The primary goal of a spanning tree is to connect all vertices with the minimum number of edges.

Uses of Spanning Tree:

  • STs are used in network design and routing algorithms to ensure connectivity without cycles.
  • They help identify bridges and critical connections in a network.
  • Spanning trees are also used in data structures like Disjoint-Set Union (Union-Find) for efficient cycle detection.

Spanning Tree vs Minimum Spanning Tree

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Differences between Spanning Tree (ST) and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST):

Category Spanning Tree (ST) Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Objective Connect all vertices with minimum edges. Connect all vertices with minimum total edge weight. Graph Type Can be used with both weighted and unweighted graphs. Primarily used with weighted graphs. Edge Weight Edge weight is not a consideration. Edge weight is the key consideration. Algorithms No specific algorithm for ST. Often used in algorithms like DFS and BFS. Algorithms like Kruskal’s or Prim’s are used to find MST. Applications Used for network connectivity and cycle detection. Applied in network design, clustering, and optimization problems with cost constraints. Construction Method No unique method to construct, depends on the specific problem and context. Algorithms explicitly designed to find the minimum spanning tree. Edge Count The number of edges in the spanning tree is not optimized for minimum. The number of edges is minimized to connect all vertices....