Speculating the performance of the model

  • A high AUC (close to 1) indicates excellent discriminative power. This means the model is effective in distinguishing between the two classes, and its predictions are reliable.
  • A low AUC (close to 0) suggests poor performance. In this case, the model struggles to differentiate between the positive and negative classes, and its predictions may not be trustworthy.
  • AUC around 0.5 implies that the model is essentially making random guesses. It shows no ability to separate the classes, indicating that the model is not learning any meaningful patterns from the data.

AUC ROC Curve in Machine Learning

One important aspect of Machine Learning is model evaluation. You need to have some mechanism to evaluate your model. This is where these performance metrics come into the picture they give us a sense of how good a model is. If you are familiar with some of the basics of Machine Learning then you must have come across some of these metrics, like accuracy, precision, recall, auc-roc, etc., which are generally used for classification tasks. In this article, we will explore in depth one such metric, which is the AUC-ROC curve.

Table of Content

  • What is the AUC-ROC curve?
  • Key terms used in AUC and ROC Curve
  • Relationship between Sensitivity, Specificity, FPR, and Threshold.
  • How does AUC-ROC work?
  • When should we use the AUC-ROC evaluation metric?
  • Speculating the performance of the model
  • Understanding the AUC-ROC Curve
  • Implementation using two different models
  • How to use ROC-AUC for a multi-class model?
  • FAQs for AUC ROC Curve in Machine Learning

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What is the AUC-ROC curve?

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When should we use the AUC-ROC evaluation metric?


Speculating the performance of the model

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Understanding the AUC-ROC Curve

A high AUC (close to 1) indicates excellent discriminative power. This means the model is effective in distinguishing between the two classes, and its predictions are reliable.A low AUC (close to 0) suggests poor performance. In this case, the model struggles to differentiate between the positive and negative classes, and its predictions may not be trustworthy.AUC around 0.5 implies that the model is essentially making random guesses. It shows no ability to separate the classes, indicating that the model is not learning any meaningful patterns from the data....

Implementation using two different models

In an ROC curve, the x-axis typically represents the False Positive Rate (FPR), and the y-axis represents the True Positive Rate (TPR), also known as Sensitivity or Recall. So, a higher x-axis value (towards the right) on the ROC curve does indicate a higher False Positive Rate, and a higher y-axis value (towards the top) indicates a higher True Positive Rate.The ROC curve is a graphical representation of the trade-off between true positive rate and false positive rate at various thresholds. It shows the performance of a classification model at different classification thresholds. The AUC (Area Under the Curve) is a summary measure of the ROC curve performance.The choice of the threshold depends on the specific requirements of the problem you’re trying to solve and the trade-off between false positives and false negatives that is acceptable in your context....

How to use ROC-AUC for a multi-class model?



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FAQs for AUC ROC Curve in Machine Learning
