Spherical Mirrors

The curved surface we see of a shining spoon can be considered a curved mirror. The most widely used type of curved mirror is the spherical mirror. 

The reflecting surface of such mirrors is considered to form a part of the surface of any sphere. Those mirrors which possess reflecting surfaces which are spherical are called spherical mirrors.

Concave and Convex Mirrors

Mirrors are surfaces that reflect almost all types of incident light rays that hit their surface. The mirror can have either a plane or a curved surface. On this basis, mirrors are divided into two: Spherical Mirrors and Plane Mirrors. Plane mirrors simply mirror having plain and polished reflecting surfaces while Spherical mirrors have curved reflecting surfaces. Based on the curved reflecting surface spherical mirrors are further divided into two: Concave and Convex Mirrors

In concave mirrors, the reflection takes place from the inner surface of the spherical mirror. The image formed by the concave mirrors is real and inverted. However, in the case of convex mirrors, the reflection takes place from the outer surface of the spherical mirror. The image formed by the convex mirrors is virtual and erect. 

Table of contents

  • Definition
  • Types of Mirror
    • Plane Mirror
    • Spherical Mirror
  • Important Terms of Spherical Mirror
  • Type of Spherical Mirror
    • Concave Mirror
    • Convex Mirror
  • Mirror Formula
  • Sign Convention for Spherical Mirror
  • Solved Examples
  • Faqs

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Spherical Mirrors

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Important Terms Used in Spherical Mirrors

Pole: The midpoint or the center point of the spherical mirror. It is represented by capital P. All the measurements are made from it only. Aperture: An aperture of a mirror is a point from which the reflection of light actually takes place or happens. It also gives an idea about the size of the mirror. Principal axis: An imaginary line that passes through the optical center and from the center of curvature of a spherical mirror. All the measurements are based on this line. Centre of Curvature: The point in the center of the mirror surface that passes through the curve of the mirror and has the same tangent and curvature at that point. It is represented by the capital letter C. Radius of Curvature: It is considered as the linear distance between the pole and the center of curvature. It is represented by the capital letter R, Principal Focus: Principal Focus can be called the Focal Point also. It is present on the axis of a mirror where the rays of light parallel to the principal axis converge or appear to converge or diverge after reflection. Focus: It is any given point on the principal axis where light rays parallel to the principal axis will converge or appear to converge after getting reflected from the mirror....

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Sign Conventions for Spherical Mirrors

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Solved Examples on Concave and Convex Mirrors

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FAQs on Concave and Convex Mirrors

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