Spidering Attack

In a spidering attack, hackers targeted businesses and corporate offices. Using spidering techniques, hackers know that the companies use passwords related to their company name so that employees don’t forget the password. In that case, hackers can easily crack the password and access the company’s sensitive information. For example, the company name is XYZ, their password is XYZ@1234. So, hackers easily guessed it and cracked the password successfully.

Prevention of Spidering attack

  • Use strong passwords for the company’s account, and don’t mention the company name in the passwords because hackers can easily guess it.
  • Immediately change your password when anything is suspicious in your company’s account.
  • Many companies run remote businesses, and they use Google Spreadsheets to store the company’s information. In that case, don’t put the password in the spreadsheet and give access to the sheet to only company members.

What are Password Vulnerabilities?

Password Vulnerabilities are the type of password attack. A password is a collection of letters, numbers, and special characters that is confidential and knows the user when they are created. Hackers crack the password by using brute force approaches and many techniques, it easily steals our sensitive information from websites and accounts. In this article, we will see a password vulnerabilities in detailed.

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With technology increasing rapidly, cyber security provides various security tools that protect our passwords. We can use a password manager tool to protect ourselves from password mishandeling & risk connected with it. We can use techniques like strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, fingerprints, and face recognition to protect ourselves from password vulnerabilities....

Frequently Asked Questions on Password Vulnerabilities – FAQ’s

Define password hashing?...