Spring MVC with JSTL

Spring MVC Tutorial

This Spring MVC tutorial covers all the basic to advanced topics of Spring MVC like Basics of Spring MVC, Spring MVC Annotation, Spring MVC Architecture, Spring MVC Flow, Spring Form Handling, Spring MVC with JSTL, Spring MVC with REST API, etc.


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What is Spring MVC?

Spring MVC is a Java-based framework that is mostly used for developing web applications. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) Design Pattern. This design pattern specifies that an application consists of a data model, presentation information, and control information....

Spring Model-View-Controller

Model – A model contains the application’s data. A data set might be a single object or a group of things. Controller – A controller houses an application’s business logic. The @Controller annotation is used here to identify the class as the controller. View – A view is a representation of the delivered information in a certain format. In most cases, JSP+JSTL is utilized to construct a view page. Spring does, however, support additional view technologies such as Apache Velocity, Thymeleaf, and FreeMarker. Front Controller – The DispatcherServlet class serves as the front controller in Spring Web MVC. It is in charge of managing the flow of the Spring MVC application....

Spring MVC Tutorial Index

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Spring MVC – Basics

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Spring MVC – Software Setup and Configuration (STS/Eclipse)

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Prerequisite (Spring Core Concepts)

In this section, we will learn some of the essential Spring Core Concepts as prerequisites. If you already know these concepts, then you can skip this section....

Core Spring MVC

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Spring MVC – Annotation

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Spring MVC – Form Handling

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Spring MVC with JSTL

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Spring MVC with REST API

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Advantages of Spring MVC Framework

Separate roles Lightweight Powerful Configuration Rapid development Reusable business code Easy to test  Flexible Mapping...

FAQs on Spring MVC

Q1. What is the Difference Between Spring MVC and Spring Boot?...