Square 1 to 30 Table

The squares of numbers from 1 to 30 i.e the square of the first 30 natural numbers given in the image discussed below,

Number Square Number Square Number Square
1 1 11 121 21 441
2 4 12 144 22 484
3 9 13 169 23 529
4 16 14 196 24 576
5 25 15 225 25 625
6 36 16 256 26 676
7 49 17 289 27 729
8 64 18 324 28 784
9 81 19 361 29 841
10 100 20 400 30 900

Square 1 to 30

Square 1 to 30 is the square of all the natural numbers from 1 to 30. The square of a number is the multiple of the number with itself. Learning these squares helps students to easily solve various arithmetic problems and helps them to solve complex calculations with ease. The value of the square of 1 to 30 ranges from 1 to 900 and we represent these squares in the exponent notation as, (a)2 where a is any number between 1 to 30 for example, (11)2 then its value is calculated as, (11)2 = 11×11 = 121.

In this article, we will learn about, the square of numbers from 1 to 30, the square 1 to 30 chart, examples, and others in detail.

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