Square Root of 289 by Prime Factorization Method

To find square root of 289 by prime factorization method, we first prime factorize 289 and then make pairs of integers to get the square root.

So, let’s express the √289 in the following steps;

289 = 17 x 17or 289 = 172

√289= √(17 x 17) (Taking roots on both sides)
= 17

√289 = 17

Therefore, square root of 289 is equal to 17.

Square Root of 289

Square root of 289 is ±17. Here, 17 is the number which when multiplied by itself will give the product equal to 289. In radical form, it is written as √289. To find the square root of 289, we have to use the methods like long division method and the Prime Factorisation method.

In this article, we will learn about square root of 289 and the methods to determine the root value of 289.

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