Square Root of First 20 Natural Numbers

Square root of the first 20 natural numbers is discussed below in the table,

Number Square Root Number Square Root
1 1 10 3.162
2 1.414 11 3.317
3 1.732 12 3.464
4 2 13 3.606
5 2.236 14 3.742
6 2.449 15 3.873
7 2.646 16 4
8 2.828 17 4.123
9 3 18 4.243
10 3.162 19 4.359
11 3.317 20 4.472

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Square Root Symbol

Square root symbol or square root sign is denoted by the symbol ‘’. It is a mathematical symbol used to represent square roots in mathematics. The square root symbol (√) is also called Radical. For example, we write the square root of 4 as √(4). It is read as root 4 or the square root of 4.

Let’s learn about square root, its representation, simplification, and others in this article.

Table of Content

  • What is Square Root?
  • Square Root Symbol
  • Simplifying Square Roots
  • Perfect Squares from 1 to 100
  • Square of First 20 Natural Numbers
  • Square Root of First 20 Natural Numbers

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