Square Root of Numbers 1 to 20

Square roots of numbers 1 to 20 are added in the table below,

12 = 1 112 = 121
22 = 4 122 = 144
32 = 9 132 = 169
42 = 16 142 = 196
52 = 25 152 = 225
62 = 36 162 = 256
72 = 49 172 = 289
82 = 64 182 = 324
92 = 81 192 = 361
102 = 100 202 = 400

Square Root of 44100

Now let’s calculate the square root of 44100 using the long division method. The image added below shows the calculation for the same.

Square Root Long Division Method

Square root by long division method: Square Root is defined as the product of a number that is multiplied by itself. For example, the square root of 16 is 4, because 4 multiplied by 4 which is 16. division method of the square root is the method of calculating the square root of large numbers quickly. It is very useful for the students to understand how to calculate the Square Root with the Long Division Method because we can find the square root of any large number without using the prime factorization method or repeated subtraction method.

In this article, we have discussed, the Square Root Long Division Method with Examples, the Factorization Method of finding Square Roots, the Advantages and Disadvantages of Long Division Methods, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Long Division Method?
  • How to Find Square Root by Using Long Division?
  • Example of Square Root by Long Division Method
  • Square Root of Perfect Square Number
  • Square Root of Numbers 1 to 20
  • Square Root of Non-Perfect Square Number
  • Long Division Vs Factorisation
  • Advantages of Long Division Method

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