Stages of Transcription

Transcription is the process of copying genetic information from DNA into RNA. It take place in following stages:

Initiation: This stage marks the beginning of transcription. RNA polymerase, along with other transcription factors, recognizes and binds to the promoter region on the DNA. The DNA double helix unwinds, exposing the template strand for transcription.

Elongation: Once the RNA polymerase is bound and the DNA is unwound, the enzyme moves along the DNA template strand. As it progresses, it synthesizes a complementary RNA strand by incorporating ribonucleotides according to the DNA template. This stage continues until a termination signal is encountered.

Termination: Transcription concludes when the RNA polymerase reaches a specific termination signal on the DNA. This signal instructs the polymerase to release the newly formed RNA molecule. The DNA double helix reforms, and the RNA product is freed.

Transcription of DNA

Transcription of DNA is a cellular process where the genetic information encoded in DNA is converted into RNA. It initiates with RNA polymerase binding to the DNA at a specific promoter region. Then, the enzyme unwinds the DNA and synthesizes a complementary RNA strand by following the DNA template. This process continues until a termination signal is reached, leading to the release of the newly formed RNA molecule, which carries the genetic code for protein synthesis.

Table of Content

  • Transcription of DNA Definition
  • What is Transcription?
  • RNA Polymerase
  • Stages of Transcription
  • RNA Processing
  • Inhibitor of Transcription
  • Transcription termination

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