Standard C Library – String.h  Functions

The C language comes bundled with <string.h> which contains some useful string-handling functions. Some of them are as follows:

Function Name Description
strlen(string_name) Returns the length of string name.
strcpy(s1, s2) Copies the contents of string s2 to string s1.
strcmp(str1, str2) Compares the first string with the second string. If strings are the same it returns 0.
strcat(s1, s2) Concat s1 string with s2 string and the result is stored in the first string.
strlwr() Converts string to lowercase.
strupr() Converts string to uppercase.
strstr(s1, s2) Find the first occurrence of s2 in s1.

Must Read:

Strings in C

A String in C programming is a sequence of characters terminated with a null character ‘\0’. The C String is stored as an array of characters. The difference between a character array and a C string is that the string in C is terminated with a unique character ‘\0’.

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Standard C Library – String.h  Functions
