Static Binding Vs Dynamic Binding

Static Binding

Dynamic Binding

It takes place at compile time which is referred to as early binding It takes place at runtime so it is referred to as late binding
Execution of static binding is faster than dynamic binding because of all the information needed to call a function. Execution of dynamic binding is slower than static binding because the function call is not resolved until runtime.
It takes place using normal function calls, operator overloading, and function overloading. It takes place using virtual functions
Real objects never use static binding Real objects use dynamic binding

Dynamic Binding in C++

Dynamic binding in C++ is a practice of connecting the function calls with the function definitions by avoiding the issues with static binding, which occurred at build time. Because dynamic binding is flexible, it avoids the drawbacks of static binding, which connected the function call and definition at build time.

In simple terms, Dynamic binding is the connection between the function declaration and the function call.

Dynamic Binding in C++

So, choosing a certain function to run up until runtime is what is meant by the term Dynamic binding. A function will be invoked depending on the kind of item.

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Static Binding Vs Dynamic Binding

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