Status of Women

For centuries women are looked upon by men as inferior beings. They were restricted to doing many things and mostly pertained to household work. Women were not allowed to get educated for a long time. Later after women’s movements and revolutions, the situation of women in society improved little by little. The right to vote also encountered the same fate. After many movements and protests, the right to vote for all women was given gradually. First, the voting rights for high-class white women were allotted, Then after many years, the right to vote for black, marginalized, and low-caste women was given. In many backward societies right to vote for women is still a dream.

Universal Adult Franchise

The Universal Adult Franchise by Article 326, is defined as the basis for elections which are held in all the levels of the elected government. Universal Adult Franchise denotes that all citizens who are aged 18 years or above irrespective of caste, religion, color, race, and economic conditions have the right to cast their votes.

Table of Content

  • Features of Universal Adult Franchise
  • Universal Adult Franchise- History and Background
  • Constitutional Provisions
  • Achieving Universal Suffrage
  • Status of Women
  • Importance of Universal Adult Franchise in Democracy 
  • Significance of Universal Adult Franchise in India’s Context

Universal Adult Franchise

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Features of Universal Adult Franchise

Some important characteristics of Universal Adult Franchise are as follows:...

Universal Adult Franchise- History and Background

In ancient times, the leader was selected based on his capability which is proved by going into the fight with a competent. Later on, many tribes witnessed nepotism. That means the next kin of the leader becomes the next leader. Leadership or the ruling opportunity became hereditary. This continued to the kings and kingdoms. It still exists in some countries.  Later this changed its course and the concept of people electing their leader came into existence. The process of the election did not get introduced at once. Firstly for some decisions or wherever the opinion of people was required elections or voting for it was conducted. This was limited to a small group of people. After that voting to elect a representative began. Some important points on the History and Background of Universal Adult Franchise are as follows:...

Constitutional Provisions

The minimum age for the casting of a vote differed from country to country. In India, it is 18 years and the 61st Amendment Act of 1989 reduced the minimum age from 21 to 18. A registered voter should be:...

Achieving Universal Suffrage

As mentioned earlier not everyone was given the right to vote. People were biased based on different grounds. People had to go through a lot of struggle and revolution in order to not be treated as biased and to include in the voting process which is the right to vote. Discrimination was different in different regions of the world. In countries like the USA, discrimination is based on race. Afro-Americans or blacks were treated as low class and whites were superiors. in the case of India, the grounds were religion, economic status, and caste. Only people with economic backgrounds and status were given the right to vote. later people with a good education were included....

Status of Women

For centuries women are looked upon by men as inferior beings. They were restricted to doing many things and mostly pertained to household work. Women were not allowed to get educated for a long time. Later after women’s movements and revolutions, the situation of women in society improved little by little. The right to vote also encountered the same fate. After many movements and protests, the right to vote for all women was given gradually. First, the voting rights for high-class white women were allotted, Then after many years, the right to vote for black, marginalized, and low-caste women was given. In many backward societies right to vote for women is still a dream....

Importance of Universal Adult Franchise in Democracy

Equality is the major basis on which democracy stands. Equity is tied in with guaranteeing that each individual has an equivalent chance to live a life with dignity. The universal adult franchise gives the right to vote to every person without any discrimination thereby treating all the people as equals. giving people the right to vote to show them the gesture or make them feel like equals before the government even with their differences....

Universal Franchise in India: Evolution in India

In India, the process of election goes back to 1909 with the Indian council act....

Significance of Universal Adult Franchise in India’s Context

Some important significance of Universal Adult Franchise in the Indian context is as follows:...


Universal adult suffrage is considered to be one of the most critical decisions for helping shape India and was one of the important accomplishments for founding the Indian constitution for giving equal right to vote without any form of restrictions. It was founded in principles of the right to equality, for the foundation of democracy, and also for exercising the right to vote....

FAQs on Universal Adult Franchise

What is India universal adult franchise?...