Configure Git

Before you can start using Git, you’ll need to configure it with your name and email address. Run the following commands, replacing Your Name with your actual name and with your email address:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

This will set up your name and email address in Git’s configuration.

How to install Git on Redhat Linux 9?

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase. Installing Git on Red Hat Linux 9 is a fundamental step for any developer looking to manage their projects efficiently. This guide will provide a detailed, beginner-friendly explanation of how to install Git on Red Hat Linux 9, covering each concept thoroughly with multiple examples.

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Step 1: Update Your System

It’s important to ensure your system is up to date before installing new software. To update your system, open a terminal and run the following command:...

Step 2: Install Git

Git can be installed using the yum package manager. Run the following command to install Git:...

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, you can verify that Git was installed correctly by checking its version. Run the following command:...

Step 4: Configure Git

Before you can start using Git, you’ll need to configure it with your name and email address. Run the following commands, replacing Your Name with your actual name and with your email address:...

Step 5: Basic Git Commands

Now that Git is installed and configured, you can start using it to manage your projects. Here are some basic Git commands to get you started:...

How to install Git on Redhat Linux 9 – FAQs

Is Git pre-installed on Red Hat Linux 9?...


In this guide, you learned how to install Git on Red Hat Linux 9, configure it with your name and email address, and use basic Git commands to manage your projects. Git is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your development workflow, and mastering it is essential for any developer....