Step 2 Creating Project Synopsys

A project synopsis serves as a concise overview or summary of a proposed project, offering a brief but comprehensive insight into its objectives, scope, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Let’s create a Synopsys Report for Weather Application:

2.1 Introduction | Project Synopsys for Weather Forecasting Project :

Todays Weather app is a web application which will tell the users about the weather details of any particular city . The easy and Interactive User Interface will help our users to easily know about the temperature , wind speed , humidity and description about the weather .

2.1.1 Problem Statement:

Current weather apps lack simplicity and speed, making it challenging for users to quickly access accurate information for specific cities. There is a need for a streamlined web application that prioritizes user-friendly interfaces, delivering real-time, precise weather details for informed decision-making in travel, planning, and daily activities.

2.1.2 Proposed Solution for Weather Forecasting Project :

To overcome this the problem , We are going to make an web application using Html , CSS and JavaScript in which we will be providing user-friendly interface for easy navigation , Efficient weather searching , accurate and fast data collection.

2.1.3 Objective of the Project:

The objective of the Todays weather project is to design and implement an efficient and user-friendly system that helps user to know about weather details of any city using its name only.

Primary Goals of the project:

  • User-friendly Interface
  • Accurate weather Details
  • Fast data Fetching

2.2 Methodologies Used | Project Synopsys for Weather Forecasting Project :

In Weather App we are using various methodologies to solve our problems. Below are the detailed description about the technology used and methods we are applying in our project.

Technology Used:

Here we are developing a Weather application using HTML, CSS for the frontend, and JavaScript for the backend involves a structured methodology. We are using OpenWeatherMap’s API for the weather details .

ER Model for Weather Forecasting Project :

An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) for a Weather Application is the entities and their relationships within the system.

Let’s Draw an ER Diagram for our Weather Application:

ER Diagram for Todays Weather App


  • User: Attributes User Id (Primary Key)
  • City: Attributes : City Name ( Primary Key ) , API Key value.
  • Weather Details: Attributes: Temperature , Wind Speed , Weather Description , Humidity.


  • Enters: User enters the city name in the application.
  • Returns: API returns an list of weather details having temperature , wind speed , humidity and weather details

Data Flow Diagram of Weather Forecasting Project :

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) serves as a visual representation of the flow of information within the system. This diagram illustrates how data, such as weather information, user details, and API Transactions in Weather Application.

Let’s Draw a Dataflow Diagram for our project:

Data Flow Diagram for Todays Weather Application

2.3 Features | Project Synopsys for Weather Forecasting Project :

The proposed Weather Application is designed to simplify the way to get weather details about any city . These are the priority features for our project:

  • User-friendly Interface
    • Using Basic html, CSS and JS.
  • Accurate weather Details
    • Temperature in that city
    • Wind speed in the city
    • Weather Description
    • Humidity
  • Fast data Fetching
    • Using open weather map’s api for it.

2.4 Limitations | Project Synopsys for Weather Forecasting Project :

Weather Application can offer many benefits, it may also have certain limitations. Here are some potential constraints associated with such a system:

1. Reliability: The accuracy of weather information heavily depends on the reliability of the data source. If the application relies on a single source, discrepancies or inaccuracies in that source can impact the reliability of the weather data.

2. Dependency on External API’s: If the application relies on third-party APIs for weather data, it’s subject to the availability and performance of those APIs. Downtime or changes to the external service can affect the functionality of the application.

3. City Coverage: The availability and accuracy of weather data may vary for different cities. Some locations may have more comprehensive and accurate data than others, potentially leading to incomplete or less reliable information for certain areas.

4. Device and Network Dependency: The user experience can be affected by the device’s capabilities and network conditions. Slow internet connections or outdated devices may impact the responsiveness of the application.

5. Security and Privacy Concerns: Handling user data, such as location information, requires attention to privacy and security. Ensuring secure data transmission and storage is crucial to protect user information.

2.5 Future Scope | Project Synopsys for Weather Forecasting Project :

The future scope of a Our Weather Application developed using HTML, CSS, JS is promising, with opportunities for enhancement and expansion.

Some potential future avenues for the project include:

1. Integration of Advanced Technologies: Explore the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for intelligent future weather predictions using past dataset.

2. Mobile Applications: We can develop mobile applications for the same. As there are more mobile users than website users.

3. Multi-language Support: Expand the system’s reach by incorporating multi-language support to cater to diverse user populations and potentially attract a global user base.

4. Enhanced Security Measures: Stay abreast of evolving cybersecurity threats and implement advanced security measures to safeguard user data ‘location’ and ensure the integrity of the system.

5. User Feedback Mechanisms: Strengthen user feedback mechanisms to continuously gather input on system performance, identify areas for improvement, and enhance user satisfaction.

Weather Forecast Project

Weather Forecasting Application is one of the most common mini project in Software Development . In this article, we are going to make a Weather Forecasting Application from scratch which will tell us the weather of any location using its name . We will be covering all the steps you have to do while developing this mini project. The title of our project will be Todays Weather App.

Weather Forecasting Project

Before Diving into the Implementation of the Project Let us look into the End Result of our project. Its Features and Functionalities:

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How to create a Todays Weather App?

Table of Content Weather Forecast Project Demo How to create a Todays Weather App? Step 1: Team Formation Phase Step 2: Creating Project Synopsys Step 3: Requirement Gathering – Software Requirement Specification Document | Weather Forecast Project 3.1 Introduction | Weather Forecasting Project ( SRS ) 3.2 Overall Description | Todays Weather App 3.3 Functional Requirements | Todays Weather App 3.4 Non-Functional Requirements 3.5 Design Step 4: Coding or Implementation of Weather Forecasting Project 4.1 Environment Creation 4.2 Implementation of Weather Forecast Application | Frontend Development Step 5: Testing of Weather Forecasting Application Step 6- Creating Project Presentation on Weather forecasting Application Future Enhancements for Weather forecasting Application...

Step 1: Team Formation Phase:

Team formation is a crucial step in any project it significantly impact on your project . In our project as we will be exploring about the web application for weather app so will will be going to require following skill sets....

Step 2: Creating Project Synopsys:

A project synopsis serves as a concise overview or summary of a proposed project, offering a brief but comprehensive insight into its objectives, scope, methodology, and expected outcomes....

Step 3: Requirement Gathering –

This is the next phase after the submission of the synopsis report. We can do this process before the Synopsys report creation as well , It is all depends upon the project and their requirements. Here after getting an overview about the project now we can easily do the requirement gathering for our project....

Software Requirement Specification Document | Weather Forecasting Project

Below are some of the key points in a Software Requirement Specification Document:...

3.1 Introduction | Weather Forecasting Project ( SRS ):

3.1.1 Purpose:...

3.2 Overall Description | Todays Weather App:

3.2.1 Product Perspective:...

3.3 Functional Requirements | Todays Weather App:

3.3.1 Software Requirements:...

3.4 Non-Functional Requirements:

3.4.1 Usability Requirements...

3.5 Design:

The design phase in weather forecasting app development is a crucial stage where the conceptual ideas and requirements are transformed into a detailed and visually appealing blueprint. This phase involves creating the Data flow Diagrams, ER model design, and the overall architecture of the weather application...

Step 4: Coding or Implementation of Weather Forecasting Project:

At this stage, the fundamental development of the product starts. For this, developers use a specific programming code as per the design. Hence, it is important for the coders to follow the protocols set by the association. Conventional programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers, etc. are also put into use at this stage....

4.1 Environment Creation:

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4.2 Implementation of Weather Forecast Application | Frontend Development:

In this stage we are going to develop our frontend part of the project ....

Step 5: Testing of Weather Forecasting Application:


Step 6- Creating Project Presentation on Weather forecasting Application:


Future Enhancements for Weather forecasting Application:
