So, finally comes the day for which you’re doing all the hard work and hustle. Hence, you need to follow several crucial strategies here as well as a small mistake in this step can make you lose the job opportunity:

(i) Be Punctual and Dress Professionally

You must ensure that you’ll always be on time (or 10-15 minutes earlier) for the interview, whether it be online or offline. It really impacts a lot such as it shows your interest in the job opportunity to the recruiters, gives you some time to get relaxed, etc. And, let us tell you that a few minutes of delays (without any genuine reason) in appearing for the interview can make you lose the job opportunity. Furthermore, you should dress professionally and appropriately for the interview to make a positive first impression on the recruiter and to strengthen your self-confidence as well. In addition, you’re recommended to work on your body language, eye contact, and other related concerns during the interview to get better results.

(ii) Be Calm, Focused & Listen Carefully

Another thing that you have to keep in mind during the interview is to be calm & focused and face the interview with a positive mindset. You need to know that if you’re feeling a bit nervous during the interview then there’s nothing wrong with it – however that nervousness shouldn’t exceed a particular limit as after that it can affect your performance in the interview negatively. Moreover, you should listen to the interviewer attentively and don’t interrupt him/her abruptly in between the conversation, and let him complete first whatever he is saying or asking. However, if you don’t get, what the interviewer is asking, the first time – you can politely request him to repeat it for you. Also, speak clearly and politely to create a positive impact.

(iii) Ask Relevant Questions to the Interviewer

An interview is a two-way communication process, hence you should be fairly involved in the conversation with the interviewer. When an interviewer offers you to ask any query or concern you’re having in your mind, then you surely can opt to ask several relevant questions such as about the company culture & values, job role, and responsibilities, career growth prospects, etc. You can ask any other question as well that comes spontaneously to your mind during the interview. However, you need to be a bit careful while directly asking related to salary, perks, etc. – especially when you’re a beginner as it may give a negative impact on the interviewer.

(iv) Do Follow Up After the Interview

Lastly, don’t forget to follow up with the recruiter after the interview. Most of the candidates do the same mistake by not following up with the interviewer which eventually reduces their chances of grabbing a particular job opportunity. The follow-up process is concerned with tasks such as thanksgiving to the interviewer for providing you with the opportunity and time, asking for details regarding further interview rounds, feedback, and suggestions for your interview performance, etc. You can connect with the interviewer through various official platforms such as Gmail, LinkedIn, etc. for doing the follow-up. However, you must ensure that you should always follow up with the interviewer in a professional manner and at the appropriate time.

So, this is the entire journey, from the beginning to the end, that you need to cover to land a job in a top-notch IT company. Even though the above-mentioned career roadmap may seem like a slower or lengthy path to you but honestly, it can surely reward you with an enriching and worthwhile career in the IT sector – if you’ll follow it with patience and consistency!!

How to Get a Job in IT: 4 Step Guide

Everyone knows that mainly after the global pandemic the entire scenario of jobs and businesses across the world has significantly changed. We’ve seen various unwanted situations like layoffs, lack of job openings, salary-cut, etc. around us. However, the IT industry is one of those few sectors that is still providing numerous career opportunities to individuals and looking very much resilient in terms of growing & generating employment opportunities in the future. And that’s perhaps the reason that a majority of individuals are looking forward to breaking into the IT field. Let’s take a look at the below-mentioned numbers for more clarification:


  • The annual revenue of the IT industry in India is expected to reach around $350 billion by the year 2025.
  • More than 200 Indian IT firms are already present in nearly 80 countries across the world.
  • Technologies like Cloud, AI, etc. are expected to be utilized by more than 80% of global organizations by the year 2022.

From all these facts and figures, it has been clear the IT industry has a lot more to offer for making a successful career out of it. Now, the question arises, how to get a job in the IT industry?

So, you need to understand that there is not any rocket science or magic behind it – all you’re required to do is climb the ladder step by step. In general, you need to get out of your comfort zone, prioritize things, and follow the right approaches with the right mindset. And if you’re still getting stuck with concerns like ‘Where and how to start, etc. then do not worry as here in this article we’ll let you know about the strategical approaches in detail, from the beginning stage to the final one, land a job in IT sector.

Okay, firstly let us divide the entire process into 4 steps:

  1. Upskilling
  2. Job Hunting
  3. Interview Preparation

Now, let’s get started with each step in detail:

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