Step I

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Linear Algebra & Mathematics




Probability & Distributions


Dimensional Reduction

Vector Models

These are the topics that you’ll be required to cover in “Mathematics” to get your roots strong. Right after, you’ll be required to choose the appropriate programming language to get started with data science. Which one to pick and how to pick? Will see about that in the next step.

How to Switch Your Career to Data Science?

Undeniably, Data science has become one of the hottest industries over the past few years from now. Being dominant in almost every sector, data science is powering up businesses (small-mid-large) and helping them in making business decisions and that’s what makes it special and demand is rising like a storm in the market for such professionals. In fact, people with no such background have also taken their way toward data science and by going through different processes many have made a career transition. 

Data Science is the study of data using tools and technologies to build predictive models and derive meaningful information. Career transition helps you in getting a “Handsome Salary” and alongside expanding your knowledge in various sectors. This is something called A Good Call. Now, the question arises, if you’re already working in some domain then “How to switch your career in Data Science?” and to make your way smooth and provide you in-depth details, we have drafted this article that will guide you through all the way so that you can start your new path towards data science.

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Step I

Fundamentals of Mathematics...

Step II

Selection of Programming Language...

Step III

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