Steps for Configuring AWS Elastic Search

Step 1: Sign up with your AWS account or create a new AWS account on it , the button will be present on the top right corner.

Step 2: While creating the account provide all the essential details asked and after filling each one correctly , Click on the CONTINUE Button.

After setting up everything and Configuring your Domain, we will proceed towards Step number 3

Step 3: Is to Upload the data for the Indexing Purpose,By the help of command line interface, Upload data to Amazon EC2 domain service On your Windows operating system , CURL can be installed to use as cmd (command promt), but. the best and the most recommended operating system is the LINUX OS.

Apply and execute the code command mentioned below as the the first document



curl -XPUT -u master-user:master-user-password domain-endpoint/books/_doc/1  
   "book_name": "Know your Worth",  
   "author": ["NK Sondhi", "Vibha Malhotra"],  
   "publisher": "General Press",  
   "publishing_date": "Feburary 2017",  
   "ISBN": "8180320235",  
   "length": "224 pages"  
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Now, multiple documents of json file . Just user has to copy and paste these commands.


{ "index": { "_index": "books", "_id": "2" } }  
{ "book_name": "The End of Imagination", "author":
 "Arundhati Roy", "publisher": "Haymarket Books"
 "publishing_date": "December 1998", "ISBN"
 "9781608466191", "length": "408 pages" }  
{ "index": { "_index": "books", "_id": "3" } }  
{ "book_name": "Power of Positive Thinking"
 "author": "Norman Vincent Peale", "publisher"
 "Prentice Hall", "publishing_date": "October 1952",
 "ISBN": "9780671635305", "length": "240 pages" }

Step 4: Search document through the command line and execute the below code mentioned


curl XGET -u master-user:master-user-password 

Alternative Python code for the same are mentioned below:


How to Configure AWS Elasticsearch For Full-Text Search?

The Elasticsearch built on Apache Lucene is a search and analytics engine . Since from its release in (2010), Elasticsearch has become one of the most popular search engine and a compulsion used for log analytics, full-text search, security intelligence and operational intelligence cases. To ensure that the open source community and our customers continue to have a secure, high-quality, fully open source search and analytics suite, AWS has introduced the OpenSearch project. The data can be in the form of JSON documents to Elasticsearch using the API like the Logstash and Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

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Advantages of Using AWS Elastic Search

Highly Secure – Virtual private cloud (VPC) can be set up with the help of amazon elastic search which is safe and simple, also the network isolation and management of authentication can be secured. Cost Effective – It is a cost effective and a scalable tool, it provides users with the storage capacity of 3PB , tremendous amount of data. Easily Usable – All the services provided by the amazon elastic search are extremely easy to use and very simple to utilize. It takes a few second with a strong internet connectivity to and the customers may post the elastic clusters. Full-text-search – The Elastic search provides a rich and diverse experience over a huge variety of documents with some very useful features such as the fuzzy search, faceting, auto-complete and many more. Supports a huge varieties of API’S....

Steps for Configuring AWS Elastic Search

Step 1: Sign up with your AWS account or create a new AWS account on it , the button will be present on the top right corner....