Steps for Creating an EC2 Instance

Step 1: At first, users need to enter their AWS Account. Then, users will find a tab at the top of the screen. Users need to click on the service button present there. Now, users will get some more options. Users will find the EC2 option present under the Compute Section. Users need to click on that.


Step 2: Now, a new page will open in front of the users. Users will find a button to launch the EC2 instances. Users need to just click on the button provided there.


Step 3: Now in the next window, a set of options will be available for the users. They are the virtual machines present for specific tasks in AWS. As the intention is to create a simple EC2 Instance, users need to click on the Select Button present there at the very first option. 


Step 4: Now, a new window will open in front of the users. Users need to choose the instance type there. It is advised to the users not to make any changes to this window. The default one will already be selected by the system. Users need to just click on the Next button provided there.


Step 5: In the next window, a set of fields will be available for the users. Users are requested not to change any data there. Users need to enter 1 in place of the Number Of Instances. Other than this field, all the fields will be the same as it is. After making these changes, users are requested to click on the Next button.


Step 6: Now, in the storage section, there is no need to make any changes. The default option is already provided there by the system. Users need to click on the Next button present there.


Step 7: Now, another field will open for the users. In normal cases, users need to mention the tags needed for some application installation there. But here the intention is to create a simple instance. So, users need to leave this spot blank. And then, they need to click on the Next button for more processes.


Step 8: At last, there will be the security groups configuration page arrive. AWS provides simple security to every instance that is created. In this case, also, there is the default security already provided. Users don’t need to make any changes there. Users need to click on the Review & Launch button.


Step 9: Then the review page will open in front of the users. All the changes that are made there will be available on the same page. So, there is no need to waste the time by going through all of that. Users need to click on the Launch button.


Step 10: Now, a new pop-up tab will present in front of the users. Users need to select the Existing Key Pair option from the dropdown menu. As it is a simple instance, there is no need to create any new instance. As this instance will not going to install any application in the AWS. Now, after selecting that, users need to click on the Check Box provided there. In this way, users are providing their content. Now, at last, users need to click on the Launch Instance Button.

Disclaimer: Before providing consent for anything, users need to know about it. It is always advisable to know things better before providing any consent for it. If users think, they might not continue with that acknowledgment consent. This is completely the user’s decision to move ahead or not.


Step 11: Now, the instance will start launching. It will take some time to complete the process. Users need to wait till the process is completed.

Step 12: After completion of the instances, users will find a page that shows the Launching Conformation message. Users might click on the Launch Log to know more about the instance.


Step 13: On the next page, the user will find all the information about the launched instance. And users will notice that the status of the instance is Running.


Hence, we have successfully created one simple instance in AWS EC2. And from here, we will move ahead further for our core interest. 

How To Create AMI using EC2?

Pre-requisite: EC2

EC2 is a cloud computing service made available by the Amazon Web Service. AWS is the paid platform for maintaining & using some online sources virtually. The Elastic Compute (EC) is a product inside of the AWS computer service. In simple words, AWS provides a completely virtual platform. There will be a virtual machine available in the AWS EC2. Using that virtual machine, users can install or do some necessary tasks. This is not a completely free service by the Amazon Web Service. Users need to pay some amount to access all the features. Some basic features are available that can be used without paying a single amount of cost. The AMI is one such feature provided by the Amazon Web Service.

The AMI stands for the Amazon Machine Image. This is not a traditional image format that users use all the time, For the naming purpose, such identity is provided for this feature. This AMI feature is completely linked with the instances. In the AWS EC2, there are several instances can be created for installing or operating specific applications. For those instances, there should create AMI. This is the image or a format that stores all the data of the instances. Users can launch multiple instances with the help of a single AMI. This can be done when the configuration of all the instances will be the same as each other.

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Step 1: At first, users need to enter their AWS Account. Then, users will find a tab at the top of the screen. Users need to click on the service button present there. Now, users will get some more options. Users will find the EC2 option present under the Compute Section. Users need to click on that....

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Amazon Machine Image is not a traditional image format. Rather, it is a configuration block for the Amazon Web Service. This is completely associated with the Elastic Compute service. When users create an EC2 instance, then users should need to create the AMI for that instance. As this will help to create some more similar instances with the help of the same Amazon Machine Image. In this article, we have discussed the process to create a simple EC2 Instance in AWS. It is the necessary pre-requisite for further moving ahead. In this article, we have also demonstrated the method to create AMI using EC2 instances. All the steps that need to execute the process are discussed here with proper screenshots....