Steps to Accept a Self-Signed Certificate

  • Identify the Certificate: Obtain the self-signed certificate from your Git server. This can usually be exported from the server or provided by your IT department.
  • Install the Certificate: The certificate needs to be installed on your local machine to be recognized as trusted.
  • Configure Git to Trust the Certificate: Modify Git’s configuration to accept the self-signed certificate.

Step 1: Obtain the Certificate

First, you need to get the self-signed certificate. This file is typically a .crt or .pem file. If you’re accessing a server via a web browser, you can often download the certificate from the browser’s security settings when accessing the site.

Step 2: Install the Certificate

For different operating systems, the installation process can vary:

On Linux:

1. Copy the certificate to a trusted directory, such as /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/:

sudo cp your-cert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

2. Update the CA certificates:

sudo update-ca-certificates

On macOS:

Add the certificate to the System keychain and mark it as trusted for SSL:

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /path/to/your-cert.crt

On Windows:

  1. Open the certificate file by double-clicking it.
  2. Click on “Install Certificate”.
  3. Choose “Local Machine” and proceed.
  4. Place the certificate in the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store.

Step 3: Configure Git

Tell Git to use the self-signed certificate by configuring the HTTP SSL backend:

1. Global Configuration:

Configure Git globally to use the certificate:

git config --global http.sslCAInfo /path/to/your-cert.crt

Alternatively, you can disable SSL verification altogether (not recommended for security reasons):

git config --global http.sslVerify false

2. Per-Repository Configuration:

If you want to apply the configuration to a specific repository, navigate to the repository directory and run:

git config http.sslCAInfo /path/to/your-cert.crt

3. Environment Variable:

You can also set the environment variable GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY to true to bypass SSL verification (not recommended):

export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true


To ensure the configuration works, try cloning or pulling from the repository:

git clone https://your-git-server/repository.git

If everything is set up correctly, Git should accept the self-signed certificate and proceed with the operation without SSL verification errors.

How to Make Git Accept a Self Signed Certificate?

Using Git in a secure environment often requires dealing with SSL certificates. When a self-signed certificate is used, Git might reject the connection due to the certificate’s untrusted nature. This can create a problem when accessing repositories over HTTPS. However, you can configure Git to accept self-signed certificates by following a few steps.

In this article, we will guide you in making git accept a self-signed certificate.

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Steps to Accept a Self-Signed Certificate

Identify the Certificate: Obtain the self-signed certificate from your Git server. This can usually be exported from the server or provided by your IT department. Install the Certificate: The certificate needs to be installed on your local machine to be recognized as trusted. Configure Git to Trust the Certificate: Modify Git’s configuration to accept the self-signed certificate....


Accepting a self-signed certificate in Git involves obtaining and installing the certificate on your local machine and configuring Git to trust it. While it’s possible to disable SSL verification entirely, this practice is discouraged due to the security risks it introduces. By properly installing and configuring your self-signed certificate, you maintain a secure connection while allowing Git operations to proceed smoothly....