Steps to Conserve Wildlife

First and foremost, humans require control over their needs. We must prevent people from felling trees unnecessarily. If trees are felled, they should be replanted.

Wildlife Sanctuaries

Wildlife sanctuaries should be established to protect ecologically significant areas. The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 establishes various provisions for wildlife habitat protection, including establishing national parks and sanctuaries. These parks and sanctuaries ensure the preservation of endangered species.


Pollution is one of the major factors contributing to the extinction of animal species. Pollution of the environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, hurts the entire ecosystem. Controlling pollution in the environment has become critical.


Migration refers to the seasonal movement of birds from harsh cold climates to warm regions (where food is abundant and breeding is easier). Every year, birds take the same flight path.

Every year, Siberian cranes, flamingos, and pelicans, for example, visit India. To protect water bodies and areas where these birds migrate, the government has established bird sanctuaries. Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary, Pulicat Lake Reserve, and so on.


Zoos also provide animal protection, but the animals are usually brought from other countries or areas. They are given artificial enclosures and food. Zoos have begun to implement breeding programs to increase the population of wildlife.

The Red Data Book

The Red Data Book is a source that contains vital information about endangered species. It records information about these animals. Plants and animals have different Red Data Books.

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India

The term “wildlife” refers to non-domesticated animal species. As a result, any living organism found in the forest is associated with wildlife. It can be found in almost all ecosystems, including rainforests, boreal forests, plains, grasslands, and deserts. Wildlife contributes significantly to the stability of our environment by being directly or indirectly involved in natural processes. Each living organism is equally important in the food chain; they may be a producer, a consumer, or a decomposer; all are interconnected and rely on one another for survival.

Forests provide a variety of resources, including food, medicine, textiles, and raw materials. Aside from regulating global temperatures, forests also help to keep soil from eroding and shelter more than 80% of animal species and terrestrial biodiversity. They also help to improve a country’s socioeconomic conditions.

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

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FAQs on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Q1: How can we conserve our forests and wildlife?...