Steps to Create and View Access Tokens

Step 1: Log in to npm

Before you can create an access token, you need to be logged in to npm. Open your terminal or command prompt and type:

npm login

Follow the prompts to enter your npm username, password, and email address.

Step 2: Generate an Access Token

Once you’re logged in, generating an access token using the following command.

npm token create

You’ll be prompted to provide a token name and select the permissions for your token. Choose a descriptive name for your token, so you can easily identify its purpose later on.

Step 3: View Your Access Tokens

To view a list of your access tokens, simply type:

npm token list

This command will display all the access tokens associated with your npm account, along with their names, creation dates, and permissions.

Step 4: Use Your Access Token

Now that you have your access token, you can use it to interact with npm services securely. For example, if you want to publish a package, you can use your access token instead of your npm login credentials:

npm publish --access public --token YOUR_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_TOKEN with the actual token value you generated.

Step 5: Keep Your Tokens Secure

Access tokens are sensitive information, so it’s essential to keep them secure. Avoid sharing your tokens publicly or including them in your code repositories. Treat them like passwords and store them in a safe place.

How to Create and View Access Tokens in NPM ?

Access tokens are important components in the npm ecosystem, used as authentication mechanisms for users to interact with npm registries securely. They grant permissions for actions such as publishing packages, accessing private packages, or managing user accounts. In this article, we will see how to create and view access tokens in npm.

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