Steps to Ignore Files in Git

Step 1: Create a “.gitignore” file in your project’s root directory. You can do this by opening your terminal and navigating to the root directory of your project, then running the command:

touch .gitignore

Step 2:Add the patterns or rules for file and directories you want to ignore.

# Ignore node_modules directory

# Ignore environment variables file

# Ignore build artifacts

# Ignore npm debug log

# Ignore yarn lock file

# Ignore macOS folder attributes

# Ignore IDE specific files

Step 3: Save and exit

Now you can commit these changes with the ignored files and directories excluded from version control. This ensures that when you share your project with others, they will also know what to ignore because the .gitignore file gets shared too.

How to Ignore a File in Git?

In this article, we are going to discuss how to ignore files in Git. Essentially, you can ignore files by specifying them in the “.gitignore” file. Moreover, you can also ignore directories using this method.

Throughout this article, we’ll cover everything from creating a GitHub account to setting up a repository, and then we will delve into ignoring files and folders. Additionally, we will unveil some tips and techniques related to this process.

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