Steps to Install Jekyll

1. Install Jekyll in your operating system if you don’t have Jekyll in your operating system.

2. To check if your device is pre-installed with Jekyll open your terminal and run the following command:

gem -v

If your system has Jekyll installed successfully will get the version of it as shown in the below picture:


3. After installing the Jekyll successfully create a website by following the steps in the link and after creating open it in the code editor as you wish. It is recommended to use VS code and after opening extend the folder it should look like as below:


Here instead of ‘blogapp’ you should the name you have given to your website.

4. Run the following command in the terminal to open the website:

bundle exec jekyll serve

5. Copy the Server address and paste it into your browser you should be able to see the default website as shown below:

This the default template with the theme minima

How to Install Jekyll Theme?

Jekyll is a static website that provides some cool inbuilt themes for the website. We can use this kind of theme for blog websites and here we don’t need to concentrate much on HTML and CSS part. Jekyll is written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner and it was first released in 2008 later it was taken over by Parker Moore who works in GitHub and released the Jekyll1. It supports loading content from JSON, YAML, and CSV files. Also, it is an engine used behind GitHub Pages can be combined with different front-end frameworks like Bootstrap.

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