Steps to Remove

Step 1: Add .DS_Store to Gitignore

The first step to prevent .DS_Store files from being added to your Git repository are to be ignored. Create or open the .gitignore file in your repository’s root directory and add the following line


This entry tells Git to ignore any file named .DS_Store, preventing it from being tracked or committed to the repository.

Step 2: Remove Existing .DS_Store Files

If .DS_Store files have already been added to your repository, you’ll need to remove them from the Git history. Start by running the following command from your repository’s root directory:

git rm --cached '*.DS_Store'

This command removes .DS_Store files from the staging area without deleting them from your local file system. The –cached flag ensures that the files are only removed from Git and not from your working directory.

Step 3: Commit the Changes

After removing the .DS_Store files from the staging area, commit the changes to update your repository’s history:

git commit -m "Remove .DS_Store files"

This commit message documents the removal of .DS_Store files from your repository.

Step 4: Push the Changes

Once you’ve removed .DS_Store files from your repository’s history, push the changes to the remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name> --force

Replace <branch-name> with the name of the branch you’re working on. Be sure to use the –force flag to overwrite the remote branch’s history with your modified history.

How to Remove .DS_Store Files From Git Repositories?

If you’re a macOS user, you’ve probably encountered .DS_Store files. The macOS Finder creates these files to store custom attributes of a folder, such as the position of icons and the view settings. While they are harmless in themselves, they can clutter your Git repository and cause unnecessary conflicts when collaborating with others, especially if they work on different operating systems. This article will guide you through the process of removing .DS_Store files from your Git repositories.

Similar Reads

What is .DS_Store file?

The .DS_Store file is a hidden file found on Mac computers, used to store folder-specific metadata like colour, icon size, and file order. It’s created when you customize a folder’s view options and helps maintain folder preferences. While it’s hidden by default, it can appear in Git repositories, potentially causing clutter. It’s exclusive to Mac but might show up on shared projects with Windows PCs....

Steps to Remove

Step 1: Add .DS_Store to Gitignore...


By following these steps, you can effectively remove .DS_Store files from your Git repository, keeping it clean and preventing unnecessary clutter and conflicts. It’s essential to establish good practices for managing ignored files and maintaining a tidy repository, especially when collaborating with others across different platforms....