Steps to run the application

Step 1 : Open Restaurant-Recommendation/backend folder in new terminal

Step 2 : Use the following command to start backend server

 npm start

Now the backend server starts on port 4000

Step 3 : Now move to Restaurant-Recommendation / frontend folder and in the new terminal ,use the following command to start frontend.

npm start.


Restaurant Recommendation

Restaurant Recommendation using MERN

This article is about Restaurant Recommendations using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This project displays a list of restaurants to the users. Users can apply filters like location, cuisines, and ratings based on filters applied by the user, the user gets recommended specific restaurants.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.


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In Frontend, i have used two components Navbar which contains the name of the title and Card component which contains the UI of the restaurant details.I have used custom hook useRestaurantContext which contains the details of the filters selected by the users. In Backend, i have created one api route /api/restaurants which gets all the restaurants data from the database and if we pass locatin, rating and cuisines data in the request body then it gets the data from the database based on filters....

Steps to create project:

Step 1: create a directory for project...

Steps to run the application :
