Steps to Run the Code

  • Step1: Install Node.js from official website.
  • Step2: Install TypeScript globally by running npm install -g typescript in your terminal.
  • Step3: Copy the code examples into separate TypeScript files (.ts extension).
  • Step4: Compile the TypeScript files into JavaScript using the TypeScript compiler (tsc) by running tsc filename.ts.
  • Step5: Run the generated JavaScript files using Node.js or include them in an HTML file for browser execution.

Getting Started with TypeScript

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft that extends JavaScript by adding optional static typing to the language. It aims to make JavaScript development more scalable and maintainable, especially for large-scale projects. TypeScript code is transpiled into JavaScript code, making it compatible with all modern browsers and JavaScript frameworks.

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Steps to Run the Code

Step1: Install Node.js from official website.Step2: Install TypeScript globally by running npm install -g typescript in your terminal.Step3: Copy the code examples into separate TypeScript files (.ts extension).Step4: Compile the TypeScript files into JavaScript using the TypeScript compiler (tsc) by running tsc filename.ts.Step5: Run the generated JavaScript files using Node.js or include them in an HTML file for browser execution....

Advantages of Using TypeScript

Static Typing: TypeScript provides type safety, catching errors at compile time and improving code quality.Enhanced Tooling: TypeScript offers better IDE support with features like code completion, refactoring tools and inline documentation.Code Maintainability: By enforcing type safety and providing clearer interfaces, TypeScript enhances code maintainability and readability....

How to Use TypeScript in a Project?

Create a new TypeScript file with the .ts extension.Write your TypeScript code as usual.TypeScript allows you to gradually adopt static typing by adding type annotations where needed.Compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript using the TypeScript compiler (tsc).Include the generated JavaScript files in your project as you would with any other JavaScript files....