Steps to Setting Up the Spring Eureka Server Project

Below are the steps to set up the Spring Eureka Server Project.

Step 1: Project Initialization

  • Creating a new Spring Boot project with Eureka Server.
  • Setting up a project structure conducive to microservices architecture.

Step 2: Maven Dependencies

<!-- Eureka Server Dependency -->

Step 3: Configuring Eureka Server


# Eureka Server Configuration
# yaml code

port: 8761

name: eureka-server

register-with-eureka: false
fetch-registry: false

Explanation of key properties:

  • server.port: The port on which Eureka Server will run.
  • The logical name of the application.
  • eureka.client.register-with-eureka: Set to false as the server doesn’t register itself.
  • eureka.client.fetch-registry: Set to false as the server doesn’t fetch the registry.
  • Advanced configurations for security and custom settings.

Eureka Server Configuration Class:

public class EurekaServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Step 4: Starting the Eureka Server

// Main class to start Eureka Server
public class EurekaServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  • Code snippet and command to launch the Eureka Server.
  • Explanation of logs and initialization process.
  • Profile-specific configuration for different environments.

Step 5: Registering Services with Eureka

// Example Eureka Client Configuration
public class MyMicroserviceApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  • Demonstration of configuring a microservice to register itself with the Eureka Server.
  • Service instance metadata and custom configurations.
  • Automatic registration of multiple instances.

Microservice Application Class:

public class MyMicroserviceApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  • Enable @EnableEurekaClient annotation.
  • Customizing service registration with metadata.

REST Controller in Microservice:

public class MyController {
    public String hello() {
        return "Hello from MyMicroservice!";

Service Configuration Properties:

# Microservice Configuration
#yaml code
port: 7777

name: hello-service

default-zone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/

Configuration file for the microservice, including port, application name, and Eureka server URL.

Dashboard screenshot of the Eureka server after hitting the URL

Step 6: Eureka Dashboard and Monitoring

URL and Credentials:

  • The Eureka Server dashboard is accessible by default at http://localhost:8761/.
  • No authentication is required by default, but security configurations can be applied if needed.
  • Access credentials are usually not required for local development, but in production environments, securing the dashboard is recommended.

Real-time Monitoring:

  • The dashboard provides real-time monitoring of registered services.
  • It allows administrators and developers to visualize the current state of the microservices ecosystem.

Dashboard Information:

  • Details Provided for Each Registered Service.

Service Name:

The logical name assigned to the microservice.

Instance Information:

  • Hostname: The hostname or IP address of the machine where the service instance is running.
  • Port: The port on which the service instance is listening for requests.
  • Status: Indicates whether the service instance is UP, DOWN, or in an unknown state.
  • Metadata: Custom metadata associated with the service instance (e.g., version, environment).

Customizing the Dashboard:

  • Eureka Server allows for customization of the dashboard to include additional information.
  • Custom metadata added during service registration can be displayed to provide more context.
  • The dashboard can be extended with plugins for additional features and integrations.

Interpreting the Information for Effective Monitoring:

  • Service Availability: Check the status of each service instance. Ensure they are in the ‘UP’ state for healthy services.
  • Instance Details: Examine details such as hostname, port, and metadata to identify specific instances.
  • Health Status: Monitor the overall health status to identify potential issues with the Eureka Server itself.
  • Statistics Trends: Analyze statistics over time to identify patterns and potential bottlenecks.
  • Custom Metadata: Leverage custom metadata for additional insights into the state and versioning of microservices.

Real-time Interaction:

  • The dashboard updates in real-time as services register or deregister.
  • Administrators can dynamically explore and analyze the state of the microservices ecosystem.
  • Hover over instances or services to view additional details or actions.

By thoroughly exploring the Eureka Dashboard, users can gain actionable insights into the health and performance of their microservices architecture. The real-time monitoring capabilities empower administrators to make informed decisions and swiftly address any issues that may arise.

Step 7: High Availability and Clustering

Cluster Setup:

  • Configuring a highly available Eureka Server cluster.
  • Choosing the appropriate replication and synchronization strategy.
  • Configuring heartbeat intervals for better responsiveness.

Production Considerations:

  • JVM tuning and memory considerations for production deployment.
  • Monitoring and alerting strategies.
  • Integration with container orchestration platforms (Kubernetes).

Clustered Eureka Server Configuration:

# Eureka Server Cluster Configuration
# yaml code
port: 8761

name: eureka-server

register-with-eureka: false
fetch-registry: false
enable-self-preservation: false
eviction-interval-timer-in-ms: 60000

Step 8: Integrating Eureka with Other Spring Cloud Components

Feign for Declarative REST Clients:

  • Simplifying REST API consumption with Feign.
  • Declarative approach to defining and invoking services.

Feign Client Interface:

Creating a Feign client interface for the microservice.

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;

@FeignClient(name = "hello-service")
public interface MyClient {
    public String invokeMyHelloService(@PathVariable String company);

Controller class:

public class HiMyRestController {

    private MyClient client;

    public String messageDisplay(@PathVariable("name") String name) {
        String message= "working";
        return hieeMsg + " ---- " + name;

Main class of the consumer application using Feign.

public class EurekaFeignApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Configuration code:

# Microservice Configuration 
#yaml code
port: 9999

name: hi-service

default-zone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/

Below we can see the Eureka Server with Feign Client:

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Common Issues:

  • Identifying and resolving common Eureka-related issues.
  • Debugging tips and strategies.

Best Practices:

  • Recommendations for optimal configuration and maintenance of Eureka Server.
  • Strategies for handling network partitions and transient failures.
  • Logging and monitoring best practices.

Troubleshooting Section:

  • Common issues such as connection problems, registration failures, and dashboard unavailability.
  • Steps to troubleshoot and resolve each issue.

Best Practices:

  • Regularly monitoring Eureka Server logs and dashboard for anomalies.
  • Backing up and version-controlling the configuration files.
  • Utilizing health checks and integrating Eureka with external monitoring tools.

Unleashing the Power of Spring Eureka Server for Microservices

Microservices architecture has revolutionized software development, enabling scalability and flexibility. One crucial aspect of this architecture is effective service discovery, and Spring Eureka Server stands out as a powerful tool for achieving this.

In this article, we will be learning the setting up, configuring, and utilizing Spring Eureka Server, offering detailed code snippets and explanations.

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