Steps to sort the Data by Dates

Step 1: Convert the Date column into required date time format

You can use the parameter infer_datetime_format. Example with your sample data below:


data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(, infer_datetime_format = True)


output screenshot

Step 2: Use the sort_values method and giving parameter as date we sort the values by date. To get the sorted while use head function to get first 5 rows of dataInput:


data.sort_values(by = 'date', ascending = True, inplace = True)


Sorting a CSV object by dates in Python

CSV stands for comma-separated values. A CSV file can be opened in Google Sheets or Excel and will be formatted as a spreadsheet. However, a CSV file is actually a plain-text file. It can also be opened with a text editor program such as Atom. In this article, we are going to see how to sort a CSV object by dates in Python

CSVs give us a good, simple way to organize data without using a database program. It’s easy to read from and write to CSV files with Python.

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