Streamlining the Design Process

Sometimes, the mind get stuck when we see a complete white board in front of us. Where to start? What to make? But what if we already had a design and all we have to do is to customize that design a bit a make it look the way we want (Like in examinations, framing an answer seems easy when we know the first line).

In simple words you can say that, simplifying the process of designing, this is what the frameworks do, but how?

These are pre-coded components that the user can easily grab and put in their website or app. Think of it as having a kit with pre-designed parts—buttons, menus, layouts, and more—that designers can use and customize according to their specific project needs.

Let us see a scenario, say Person 1 and Person 2 are designing an e-commerce website. Person 1 chooses to design the entire website from scratch, while Person 2 chooses the path of frameworks and decides to pick up a template of the landing page from Tailwind CSS and do some customization on that. After 1 day, Person 1 is still busy in designing the navbar while Person 2 is about to complete the footer. That’s how frameworks streamline the process of designing.

These frameworks offer you pre-built buttons, forms, navbar, footer, call to action, pricing page and a lot more. I myself created an entire landing page of an e-commerce platform in less than 3 days using the Tailwind UI components. Not only this, but the tension of creating responsiveness, i.e. creating one layout for the desktop, one for the mobile and other laptop is no longer a tension when you work with frameworks. These frameworks are fully responsive and the designer/developer does not have to work extra to create different designs for different layouts.

How to Streamline UI/UX Design with Frameworks?

“Design works like magic, transforming ideas into experiences that are both beautiful and simple..” The purpose of UI/UX design is to provide people with interfaces and experiences that are visually appealing, and simple to use and help them reach their goals. If the design is not done properly, the user might get confused while using the app, or he might face certain other problems too, which will undoubtedly make him dislike it. Hence, the importance of UI/UX design increases to create a smooth, enjoyable, and meaningful experience for the user.

Streamline UI/UX Design with Frameworks

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