Structure and Functions of Flagella

Prokaryotic flagella and eukaryotic flagella differ in their structure and the pattern of movement. The characteristic pattern in eukaryotes is a whip-like manner. Flagella can be found in eukaryotes in varying numbers, ranging from one to many. The base of the flagella is joined to the cell via its basal body. Bacterial flagella are helical in shape and contain the protein Flagellin.

Flagella move in a manner akin to that of a propeller, that is, either clockwise or anticlockwise. Eukaryotes require ATP to move their flagella, whereas prokaryotes use the proton-motive force to do so. Protists that have flagella are known as Flagellates. In sponges and coelenterates, the water current that is necessary for respiration and circulation is generated by flagella. Locomotion in bacteria mostly occurs through flagella. Below is a diagram showing the structure of Flagella:

Cilia And Flagella – Definition, Structure, Functions and FAQs

Cilia and Flagella are cell organelles that enable cells to move or protect themselves from their surroundings. The human eye is unable to see these. The prokaryotic flagella are structurally distinct from the eukaryotic flagella. Cilia and Flagella are extensions that help to move substances around the cells. Cilia are usually short and multiple in number whereas Flagella are long and very few in number.

Table of Content

  • What is Cilia?
  • Structure and Functions of Cilia
  • What Is Flagella?
  • Structure And Functions Of Flagella
  • Differences Between Cilia and Flagella

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