Structure and Provisions of the IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita

The Indian Penal Code, or IPC, specifies and punishes particular offences in its many parts. It is broken into 23 chapters with 511 parts each. The IPC can also broadly be classified into four categories:

  • Chapters I to V deal with general matters relating to the extent, definitions, principles of liability, etc.
  • Chapters VI to XV deal with public matters between individuals and the state.
  • Chapters XVI to XXII are primarily concerned with criminal offences committed by individuals against individuals or legal entities other than the state.
  • Chapter XXIII is residuary in nature, establishing the principles of punishment for attempting to commit an offence where no specific provision has been made.

The basic structure and provisions of the Indian Penal Code are mentioned in the table below:

IPC Chapters

Sections are covered in IPC

Classification of offences in IPC

Chapter I

Section 1 to 5


Chapter II

Sections 6 to 52

General Explanations

Chapter III

Sections 53 to 75

Of Punishments

Chapter IV

Sections 76 to 106

General Exceptions of the Right of Private Defence (Sections 96 to 106)

Chapter V

Sections 107 to 120

Of abetment

Chapter V (A)

Sections 120 (a) and 120 (b)

Criminal Conspiracy

Chapter VI

Sections 121 to 130

Of offences against the state

Chapter VII

Sections 131 to 140

Of Offences relating to the Army, Navy, and Air Force

Chapter VIII

Sections 141 to 160

Of Offences against the Public Tranquility

Chapter IX

Sections 161 to 171

Of Offences by or relating to Public Servants

Chapter IX (A)

Sections 171 (a) to 171 (i)

Of Offences Relating to Elections

Chapter X

Sections 172 to 190

Of Contempts of Lawful; Authority of Public Servants

Chapter XI

Sections 191 to 229

Of False Evidence and Offence against Public Justice

Chapter XII

Sections 230 to 263

Of Offences relating to coin and Government Stamps

Chapter XIII

Sections 264 to 267

Of Offences relating to Weight and Measures

Chapter XIV

Sections 268 to 294

Of offences affecting the Public Health, Safety, Convenience, Decency and Morals

Chapter XV

Sections 295 to 298

Of Offences relating to religion

Chapter XVI

Sections 299 to 377

Of Offences affecting the Human Body.

  • Of Offences Affecting Life including murder, culpable homicide (Sections 299 to 311)
  • Of the Causing of Miscarriage, of Injuries to Unborn Children, of the Exposure of Infants, and of the Concealment of Births (Sections 312 to 318)
  • Of Hurt (Sections 319 to 338)
  • Of Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement (Sections 339 to 348)
  • Of Criminal Force and Assault (Sections 349 to 358)
  • Of Kidnapping, Abduction, Slavery and Forced Labour (Sections 359 to 374)
  • Sexual Offences including rape and Sodomy (Sections 375 to 377)

Chapter XVII

Sections 378 to 462

Of Offences Against Property

  • Of Theft (Sections 378 to 382)
  • Of Extortion (Sections 383 to 389)
  • Of Robbery and Dacoity (Sections 390 to 402)
  • Of Criminal Misappropriation of Property (Sections 403 to 404)
  • Of Criminal Breach of Trust (Sections 405 to 409)
  • Of the Receiving of Stolen Property (Sections 410 to 414)
  • Of Cheating (Section 415 to 420)
  • Of Fraudulent Deeds and Disposition of Property (Sections 421 to 424)
  • Of Mischief (Sections 425 to 440)
  • Of Criminal Trespass (Sections 441 to 462)

Chapter XVIII

Section 463 to 489 (e)

Offences relating to Documents and Property Marks

  • Offences relating to Documents (Section 463 to 477-A)
  • Offences relating to Property and Other Marks (Sections 478 to 489)
  • Offences relating to Currency Notes and Bank Notes (Sections 489A to 489E)

Chapter XIX

Sections 490 to 492

Of the Criminal Breach of Contracts of Service

Chapter XX

Sections 493 to 498

Of Offences Relating to Marriage

Chapter XX(A)

Section 498 (a)

Of Cruelty by Husband or Relatives of Husband

Chapter XXI

Sections 499 to 502

Of Defamation

Chapter XXII

Sections 503 to 510

Of Criminal intimidation, Insult and Annoyance

Chapter XXIII

Section 511

Of Attempts to Commit Offences

Indian Penal Code or IPC: Its History, Structuring & Provisions, Significance & More!

Indian Penal Code (IPC) or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita is an official criminal code of the Republic of India that provides a comprehensive framework to address all aspects of criminal law. It was Enacted by the Indian Legislative Council on October 6th, 1860, it became effective from January 1st, 1862. Before 1862, the administration of criminal justice was marked by confusion and chaos. The IPC is the result of three decades (1834-1860) of visionary effort by law commissioners, especially Thomas Babington Macaulay, its main architect. Its enforcement established that criminal liability in the Indian Legal System originates from statutes defining prohibited acts or omissions.

Table of Content

  • New Name of Indian Penal Code (IPC)
  • Historical Background of the IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
  • What is the IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita?
  • Structure and Provisions of the IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
  • Importance and Significances of the Indian Penal Code or IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
  • What are the Criticisms Related to IPC or Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
  • Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill 2023
  • FAQs on Indian Penal Code

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