Structure of a URL

A URL starts with a protocol followed by the name of the resource that has to be accessed. URL uses the protocols as the primary access medium to access the domain or subdomain specified after that wherever the resource is located. It uses multiple protocols like HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HTTPS Protocol (Secured HTTP), mailto for emails, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for files, and TELNET to access remote computers. Mostly the protocol names are specified using the colons and the double forward slashes, but the mailto protocol is specified using the colons only.

Optional Parts after the domain name in a URL:

  • A path to a particular page or file can be specified.
  • Some extra query parameters can also be specified.
  • Network port to make the connection.
  • Reference to a particular point in the file or a HTML element on the page.

What is URL (Uniform Resource Locator) ?

A URL or Uniform Resource Locator is a Unique identifier that is contained by all the resources available on the internet. It can help to locate a particular resource due to its uniqueness. It is also known as the web address. A URL consists of different parts like protocol, domain name, etc. The users can access the URLs by simply typing them inside the address bar or by clicking any button or link web page.


Example URL:

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