Structure of Animal Cell

The different animal cell organelles are listed below.:

  • Cell Membrane: The double-layered membrane that covers the entire cell and is formed of phospholipids is known as the cell membrane. Only specific molecules can flow through the membrane since it only permits selective permeation.
  • Cytoskeleton: The tubule and filament network known as the cytoskeleton is present throughout the cytoplasm. It gives the cell the right shape and participates in cell signaling.
  • Nucleus: DNA is found in the nucleolus portion of the nucleus, which is where the genetic material is stored. A nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the remainder of the cell. It controls how cells divide and grow as well.
  • Cytosol: The liquid found inside cells, known as cytosol, contains water, ions like potassium, proteins, and tiny molecules.
  • Ribosomes: Ribosomes can be seen floating around in a cell’s cytoplasm or bound to endoplasmic reticulum membranes. They support the production of proteins.
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum: The nuclear membrane splits off into a network of membranous sacs called cisternae that make up the endoplasmic membrane. The two different types are smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. It facilitates the transportation of proteins made by ribosomes.
  • Vesicles: A vesicle is a structure inside or outside of a cell that is made up of cytoplasm or liquid and is surrounded by a lipid bilayer. The vesicles aid in the movement of chemicals between organelles.
  • Golgi Apparatus: The endoplasmic reticulum delivers proteins to the Golgi apparatus, which then packages them into vesicles.
  • Mitochondria: The “powerhouse of the cell” is yet another name for the mitochondria. During this process of cellular respiration, energy is liberated as ATP.

Diagram of Animal Cell

An animal cell diagram is useful for understanding the structure and functioning of an animal. The animal cell function includes energy production, transportation, protein synthesis, cellular communication, movement, and maintenance of structure. Various animal cell parts known as animal cell organelles have specialized roles.

Animal cells are eukaryotic cells with a membrane-bound nucleus. Since they do not have cell walls and chloroplasts, they are distinct from plant cells. In this article, we will learn a well-labeled animal cell diagram and a brief description of each component in the cell.

Table of Content

  • Definition of Animal Cell
  • What are the Animal Cells?
  • Well-Labeled Animal Cell Diagram
  • Structure of Animal Cell
  • Types of animal cells
  • Conclusion – Animal Cell
  • FAQs on diagram of animal cells

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