Structure of Career-related Programme (CP)

Structure of CP

Reflective Project

The reflective project is an exhaustive collection of work created over a long period of time and turned in toward the program’s end. Students discover through the reflective project,

Analyze, debate, and assess an ethical dilemma pertaining to a topic from their study for a future job. Students are urged to participate in self-analysis, intellectual inquiry, creativity, action, and contemplation as well as to strengthen their research, analytical, and communication abilities through this activity.

Personal and Professional Skills

The course on personal and professional skills is designed to encourage the development of ethical knowledge, perseverance, resilience, responsibility, practical problem-solving skills, healthy intellectual habits, an appreciation of identity and perspective, and an awareness of the complexity of the modern world. The development of the skills necessary to succeed in higher education, the workforce, and society is highlighted.

Service Learning

The practical use of knowledge and skills to address a recognized community need is known as service learning. Through service, children learn how to develop and use social and personal skills in decision-making, problem-solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions in real-life scenarios.

Language Developement

Makes certain that every CP student has access as well as use of a second language. One of the main components of an IB education is the chance to acquire a second language, which broadens students’ perspective on the world. It is encouraged of students to start or continue studying a second language that fits their needs, backgrounds, and situations. It enhances students language and communication skills in writing, speaking, and visual aids.

Career-related Studies

In order to prepare them for a career in a chosen sector of interest, an internship or training, or further education, students are given access to real-world, practical learning experiences.
The school offers career-related courses that ought to be in line with the needs of the students and lead to either direct employment or more study. Every school selects the career-related courses that best fit the needs of its students and the local environment. The career-related studies must meet all requirements set forth by the IB for quality control, approval, and evaluation.

What is the IB Career-related Program (CP)?

The Career-related Program (CP) is an innovative part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) education system, designed for students aged 16 to 19. The CP curriculum combines academic courses with practical, career-focused studies, offering a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. This program prepares students for both higher education and career paths by fostering critical thinking, professional skills, and a global perspective. The CP helps students develop into well-rounded, knowledgeable individuals ready to excel in their chosen careers and adapt to the demands of the modern workforce.

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