Structure of Gynoecium


The topmost part of the female reproductive system is called stigma. The main purpose of stigma is to catch hold of pollen grains exposed to the air or surroundings. The surface of the stigma will be sticky by having hair-like structures or rough surfaces. Stigma provides a landing platform for pollen grains, playing a very crucial role in pollination. Stigma consists of highly nutrients enriched tissue that helps for the development of pollen tubes toward the ovule.

Functions of Stigma 

During the process of fertilization, the following grains land on a stigma-a sticky receptive surface. Stigma recognizes the right pollen grains, meaning belonging to the same species. Stigma acts as a surface or provides an area for the germination of pollen. Even if the pollen grains of other species land on the stigma, it won’t allow germination of those pollen grains. Initiation of fertilization occurs through the growth of pollen tubes through the pollen grain. The entry of Poland tubes of other species is strictly not allowed. The plant produces I kind of chemical which dissolves pollen of other species, not allowing them to germinate.


The long stock-like filamentous structure which connects the ovary to the stigma is called style. The pollen tube grows in the style to ensure a safe journey of pollen grains. After pollination, the pollen tube starts growing towards the ovule through style. Once the pollen tube is grown, the pollen grains are passed to the ovary. It leads pollen (male egg cells) to the ovules (female egg cells).

The style is the location where the compatibility of a pollen grain is tested. The style performs an essential function during fertilization. It not only allows the growth of pollen tubes but also stops the growth of pollen tubes of incompatible pollen grains.

Functions of Style

Once the pollen grain lands on the stigma as a process of germination, it starts growing a pollen tube which flows through the style. The vegetative cell provides the required nutrition for the growth of the pollen tube. Thus, style acts as a path for male gametes to reach the ovary and then to the ovule.


It is the most important part of the gynoecium where the ovules are produced. Usually, it consists of bulged or enlarged structure. If a gynoecium is not having an ovary, then the flower is considered to be sterile or parthenogenesis gynoecium.

The ovule is the female gametes. Ovules are also called megasporangia. The ovule protects the female gametes and also provides nourishment to the developing embryo through the placental wall. The ovals are located at the innermost part of the ovary and will be growing into seeds upon fertilization. The ovule is attached to the placenta by a structure called a funicle. The funicle is responsible for providing new trends for the developing embryo.

Functions of the Ovary

The ovary contains ovules, which are the female egg cells necessary for the process of fertilization. Pollen merges with the ovule and fertilizes it. Ovules are the available seeds. After fertilization, these ovules develop into seeds. The ovary matures into a fruit.

Gynoecium – Definition, Concept, Parts, Functions

The female reproductive part of the flower is known as Gynoecium. It is the part that produces ovaries which are later on finally converted into fruit after sexual reproduction. The gynoecium is the inward whorl of the flower. The gynoecium is also referred to as female because they produce the female gametophyte.

Reproduction is a biological process in which living organisms produce offspring similar to them. Reproduction is necessary to ensure the continuity of species on earth. In sexual reproduction, there is a chance of evolution which is necessary to adapt and survive the changing environment and climate. The flower is the reproductive unit in most sexually reproducing plants. A flower consists of 4 whorls. These whorls are arranged circularly one after the other on the thalamus.

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