Sublimation – Practice Questions

Q1. What are Conditions that Govern Sublimation of a Solid at a Certain Temperature and Pressure?

Q2. Sublimation Causes Cooling Effects Why?

Q3. Describe Effects of Surface Area and Particle Size on Rate of Sublimation.

Q4. Differentiate between Deposition and Sublimation, Providing Examples of Each Process.

Q5. What are Some Substances that Demonstrate Sublimation?


Sublimation is an interesting phenomenon, wherein the gas is derived from a solid without passing through the liquid phase. Sublimation is shown by camphor in real life as it directly goes from the solid to the gaseous state, without passing through the liquid state.

In this article, we will learn about, Sublimation Definition, the Process of Sublimation, the Application of sublimation, and others in detail.

Sublimation Example

Table of Content

  • What is Sublimation?
  • Applications of Sublimation
  • Examples of Sublimation
  • Sublimation in Daily Life Use
  • Condensation, Evaporation and Sublimation

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Sublimation – Practice Questions

Q1. What are Conditions that Govern Sublimation of a Solid at a Certain Temperature and Pressure?...


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